Eye Opener Activities IconAlbuquerque's Environmental Story

Educating For a Sustainable Community

Eye Opener Activities 7

Ideal 2020 School

Work in small groups to design an ideal school for the year 2020, keeping the features of your school which are considered desirable. Consider such factors as general architectural style, orientation on plot, number and placement of windows, number of stories high, construction materials and use of air conditioning. Draw designs for, or make models of the ideal school.

How does the architecture relate to the available space, the geography and the climate?

To what standards must architects conform concerning space per student and lighting in terms of room size and use? Does the school meet these standards?

Which groups' designs arc most attractive? Why? Which are most functional? Which are best for energy conservation? Which are the most cost effective for Albuquerque? What factors are included in the determination of cost efficiency?

What facilities or provisions are included in these diagrams which are not in the existing building? What advantages do they provide? What, if any, disadvantages do they present? What is your cost/benefit analysis of these new facilities?

Does the new design include air conditioning? If so, does it include windows? Do the windows open? How does it feel or might it feel to spend a day in a building with few or no windows? What are the pros and cons of air conditioning?

Which objects in the new design arc functional? What are decorative? Which are both?

Which construction materials are suitable for the exterior of a school in Albuquerque? Why?

What provisions do the designers make for maximum benefit from solar energy? What provisions for insulation?

How would changes in the number of students and traffic flow alter these designs? Sketch how these changes might be accommodated?

List the primary building materials used in the construction of your school. On a map of the United States, pinpoint the sources of supply for each of these materials.

Which of the materials used can be obtained locally? Where do the others come from?

Select one type of construction material used and describe the steps involved in manufacturing and transporting it to the school site.


Functions of a Classroom

Discuss the functions and purposes of a classroom. Include in this discussion how the classroom environment affects the quality of the education going on in the room. Brainstorm suggestions for changes in the way your room is set up which could benefit the class. Discuss reactions to these ideas. Try some of them.

What factors should be considered in room arrangement (appearance, class and room size, traffic flow, optimum use of light, opportunity for corners, privacy, technology, etc.)?

Can the class do without any of the fixtures of the classroom? (blackboard, bookcases, library table, etc.).

Is there an emotional environment in the classroom? How does the classroom feel? If so, how does the physical arrangement affect this environment?

What aspects and items of the room contribute toward achieving the agreed upon purpose of a classroom? How? Which do not? Why?

To what extent does class size determine the way the room is arranged? What modifications would be necessary in the most preferred arrangement if class size increased?


Shapes of Animal and Human Homes

Compare the shapes of animals, structures and homes to those made by humans. Set up a picture display.

Are animal structures generally round or angular (birds, nests, spider webs, cocoons, ant hills, etc.)?

How are most human made buildings shaped? What examples can you find of human use of round structures? (Hogans, igloos, Astrodome.)

What are the advantages of round structures and of rectangular structures?


Construction Materials Exhibit

Set up a display of construction materials used for the exterior of buildings in Albuquerque. Prepare a chart like this to accompany the exhibit.

Construction Material



Cinder Block


Raw Materials


Source of Raw Materials


Availability (good, poor, ...)


Manufacturing Process Involved


Mode of Transport


Cost (high, medium, low)


Environmental Impact


Desirability Rating


Why was this site selected? Who made the selection? Was it a good choice? Why? Did the community have any voice? Does it today? What was this land used for before the school was built?

What other construction went on at that time in the city? How did the architecture and construction materials of the school compare with other buildings of that era?


Bulletin Board about Nature

Prepare a bulletin board display to illustrate the theme that Everything Comes From Nature. Select a variety of common articles used in the classroom and trace them back to the natural resources from which they came.

Which of these resources are non-renewable? Which are renewable? How long does it take to renew some of these resources?

Which of these products can be reused, recovered, and/or recycled?

Drawing of spiderweb and birds nests

(Up to Section IV, Back to Eye Opener Worksheet 7, On to Eye Opener Worksheet 8)

Copyright © 2008, Friends of Albuquerque's Environmental Story