Eye Opener Worksheet LogoAlbuquerque's Environmental Story

Educating For a Sustainable Community

Eye Opener Worksheet 8

What Is Your School's Impact On The Environment?

Arrange with the principal and the engineer or custodian to study the operation and maintenance of the school.


What type of heating system is used? _______________________________________________________

How often is it inspected and serviced? ______________________________________________________

Is there a more efficient one that could be used? _______________________________________________

If so, what prevents your school from using it? _______________________________________________

What type of heating fuel is used? __________________________________________________________

Where does it come from? ________________________________________________________________

How does it get to the school? ____________________________________________________________

What, if any, adverse impacts does use of this fuel have on the environment? ________________________


Describe how the heating system works? ____________________________________________________


Describe any solar energy usage? ___________________________________________________________

Does the school have an air cooling system? _________________________________________________

If so, what kind? _______________________________________________________________________

Can each room adjust its own thermostat for heating? _________________ For cooling? ______________

Are empty rooms heated? ______________________ Air-cooled? ________________________________

Does the school have adequate insulation? ____________________________________________________

Could the doors and windows be caulked to avoid heat loss? _____________________________________

How much energy does your school use per month to heat the building? ____________________________

To cool it? ____________________________________________________________________________

How much money does it cost APS to heat your school? _______________________________________

Do you have full spectrum lighting? ________________________________________________________



Can the lights be regulated in each room? ____________________________________________________

Are the lights left burning in the cafeteria? ___________________________________________________

In the auditorium? ___________________ In the corridors? ____________________________________

Is the natural light sufficient most of the day in some classrooms? The Department of Energy recommends lighting levels of 50 footcandles at desks; 30 footcandles in rooms and work areas; and 10 footcandles in halls and storerooms. Use a light meter to determine the amount of light in different parts of your room and school:

________ desks near window ________ work areas ________ halls ________ desks away from window

________ cafeteria

What is the wattage of the light bulbs in your classroom? _______________________________________

Calculate the kilowatt hours of electricity used by all of these bulbs in your classroom in a week ________

______________ for the school year.


After School Hours Use of Heat and Light

Is the building used between 4 p.m. and 6 a. If so, how? ________________________________________


How much of the total energy consumed by the school is used after school hours? ___________________

How can you find out? ___________________________________________________________________

How much energy do you think your school wastes in its use of electricity? ________________________

What percentage of the total consumption is that? ________ %

What percentage of heating fuel is wasted? ________

How did you make this determination? ______________________________________________________

What are the adverse environmental impacts of over consumption of electricity? ______________________




Make an inventory of all the ways water is used in your school building and on the school grounds, and list those uses.

How much water does your school consume in one month? _____________________________________

How much water is that per capita? ________________________________________________________

Is more used some months than others? _______________ If so, which months? ___________________

Why? ________________________________________________________________________________

If your school has a paved parking lot, what impact does that have on the water cycle and water availability?




List all the ways you can think of that paper is used in your school.

Ask the principal, or teacher in charge of ordering supplies, how much paper is used each year for classroom and office purposes.


Ask the custodian how much paper is used in the cafeteria and for maintenance. ______________________

Name other paper products that are brought into the school. ______________________________________

How many times could the exterior of the building be covered with the paper that is consumed within a month's time?


Ask the custodian how much solid waste is generated in the school in a year. _______________________

What percentage of this solid waste is paper? ________________________________________________%

Find out and describe the trash management program at your school.


Do a survey to get a variety of opinions about what percentage of the paper thrown away was unnecessary. Ask the principal, the custodian, a few teachers, and several schoolmates. Record their answers.

List all the ways you can think of that paper consumption has an impact on the environment. Discuss your answers with your classmates.


How Can You and Your Class Combat Overconsumption?

List three ways each that you can help to conserve: (1) energy used for heating and cooling; (2) energy for lighting the building; (3) water; and (4) paper.

1)_______________ 1)_______________ 1)_______________ 1)_______________

2)_______________ 2)_______________ 2)_______________ 2)_______________

3)_______________ 3)_______________ 3)_______________ 3)_______________

How can your class encourage the school to cut back on its resource consumption by 20 percent? Explain in the form of a brief essay, or sales pitch.

(Up to Section IV, Back to Eye Opener Activities 7, On to Eye Opener Activities 8)

Copyright © 2008, Friends of Albuquerque's Environmental Story