Eye Opener Worksheet LogoAlbuquerque's Environmental Story

Educating For a Sustainable Community

Eye Opener Worksheet 7

A Closer Look At Your School

In what part of the city is your school located? _________ Southeast _________ Southwest

_________ Northeast _________ Northwest _________ Outside the city

Locate your school by placing an X on the map below.

Map of the Albuquerque Area

Draw a map showing your street, the streets closest to it, and the kinds of buildings nearby. On the back of recycled paper, draw this map to scale.

Draw a map showing your school, the streets closest to it, and the kinds of buildings near the school (houses, stores, offices, etc.). On the back of recycled paper, draw this map to scale.

Check all of the words or phrases which describe your school building.

_________ One story high _________ Two stories high _________ One building

_________ One main building and portables _________ Many windows _________ Few windows

_________Attractive _________Dingy _________ Plain _________ Classrooms open onto long corridors

_________ Every room has a door to outside _________New _________Old _________Very old

If you checked old or very old list five things which told you it was old or very old.


Do you see any examples of energy saving climate control in and around your school?

_________ evergreen tree or hedge wind barrier on the north side _________ the building faces southwest

_________ covered walkways _________ large trees shading the windows _________ large trees shading the roof _________ overhangs shading walls or windows _________ windows open to catch breeze

_________ windows placed to allow breeze to enter and exit room easily _________ tinted windows

_________ ceiling fans _________ tile or terrazzo floors _________ roof color white

_________ outside wall color white or very light color

Does your school have a courtyard? _________ Yes; if yes, what is it used for?

Is your school attractively landscaped? _________ Yes; if yes, how is it attractive?

Check all of the following features your school has. Discuss with your classmates what changes you would like to make and why.

_________ ball field _________ playground (swings, slides, etc.) _________ trees

_________ playing field ( _________ dirt or _________ concrete) _________ basketball courts

_________ swimming pool _________ parking lot (teachers) _________ parking lot (students)

_________ grassy lawn _________ garden ( _________ vegetable or _________ ornamental plants)

_________ fencing _________ portables

When was your school built? ______________________________________________________________

What is the architectural style of your school?

_________ California Mission _________ Gothic _________ New Mexico Regional

_________ International style _________ Other, what kind?_________

Check the building materials used in your school's walls and roof.

_________ gravel _________ slate _________ terrazzo _________ fieldstone _________ adobe bricks

_________ marble _________ brick _________ granite _________ steel _________ limestone

_________glass _________ wood _________steel _________concrete _________block _________hollow

tiles with plaster coating _________ others, what kinds? _________

Does your school have air conditioning? _________ Yes _________ No _________ In some rooms.

Circle the compass direction which indicates the direction which most windows face and underline the direction which your own classroom windows face.


Illustrate the compass orientation of your school building with a sketch similar to the one below.

Do you have to use artificial light very often? Why?

Does the architecture of your school blend in well with the buildings around it?

Find the areas of the playing fields and the grassy lawn. Find area per student in each. Use metrics.



Area Per Student

Ball Field


Dirt Playing Field


Concrete Playing Field


Why do you think the design of your school building is attractive or unattractive?

If your school has graphics painted on the corridor walls, what kinds? ______________________________


What color(s) are the classroom and corridor walls painted? _______________________________________

What colors do you like? __________________________________________________________________

If you do not like the furniture , what kind of furniture would you design for your classroom?

What could your class do to make your classroom more attractive?

Is there litter on your school grounds? _________ Yes. _________ No. If so, what kinds? ____________

Where is the litter usually found?

Who picks up the litter?

What changes could you and your classmates make to improve your school grounds? __________________



How could other classes help? _____________________________________________________________


How could parents help? __________________________________________________________________


What kinds of technology do you have at your school? __________________________________________


How does your school help the community? _________________________________________________

(Up to Section IV, Back to Activities for the Senses and Sensibilities 6, On to Eye Opener Activities 7)

Copyright © 2008, Friends of Albuquerque's Environmental Story