March 2025 NM History & Culture Opportunities

The Albuquerque Historical Society & the Historical Society of NM

Encourage your participation in the following history & cultural events:


THE ALBUQUERQUE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, MARCH 16, 2pm, free. Kevin & Kim Murphy present The History of Netherwood Park Neighborhood: pioneering development of the East Mesa around UNM. The Murphys researched the almost 400 acres north and east of UNM and its history dating back to the late 1800s. Netherwood is known for its mid-century modern houses and park with a prominent point. More info at Free parking & free admission to the ABQ Museum in Old Town.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEW MEXICO. New Mexico became the 47th state on January 6, 1912. Read about it, Visit – to view thousands of entries: photos, videos, podcasts, Timelines for the five periods of NM History & More! The New Mexico State Historian Rob Martinez can be reached at 505-476-7911.

ART PROJECTS, GAMES, BIRDS & NATURE STUDY, CONCERTS, CAREER EXPLORATION, COMPUTER TRAINING, COOKING, & MORE – ACTIVITIES FOR ALL AGES AT THE BRANCHES OF THE ABC LIBRARY SYSTEM, Go to to review listing by location, days and times! Be sure to look for all kinds of free family & children’s activities. Programs this month involving St. Patrick’s Day and more.

Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument free ranger led hikes-all at 11 am. Fridays at Abo, Saturdays at Gran Quivira and Sundays at Quarai. More information at or call 847-2585 X 221.

See the award winning photographs from the New Mexico Magazine Contest. Tularosa Basin Gallery of Photography, 401 12th Street in Carrizozo, NM. Some 35 award winning images. Open Fri/Sat 10am-5pm and Sunday 12 noon-5pm. Call 575-937-1489 to make other time appointments.

MARCH 1, 9am-12 noon. Come help clean up Historic Fairview Cemetery, 700 Yale SE. Wear hard soled shoes and bring your own tools. The cemetery is open dawn to dusk and accessible through the gates of Fairview Memorial Park. or communityofHistoricFairviewCemetery. “Where the Past meets the Present”.

MARCH 5, 12 noon, by Zoom, free. Bill Cavaliere  speaks on The Chiricahua Indians: A Concise History. NM History Museum Friends of History. Go to the website to watch this and the past lectures on their YouTube channel.

MARCH 6, 3pm, free. A poetry reading and conversation between Margaret Randall & Victor Rodriguez Nunez. UNM Zimmerman Library Waters Room.

MARCH 6, 13, 27, 4:30 pm, free. Guided hikes on Thursdays at Piedras Marcadas Canyon. These hikes are 1.5 miles total in length. No amenities in the Piedras Marcadas Canyon parking lot. Bring water with you and dress for the weather. Located at 9501 Golf Course Rd NW in Albuquerque. Double check for unexpected closures. Call 899-0205.

MARCH 7, doors open 5:30, program 6 pm, $10 includes drink ticket. Science on Tap presents “The Science of Beer: Lagers vs. Ale”. Musem of Nuclear Science, 601Eubank SE.

MARCH 7, 3-4:30 pm, free but register in advance. Bosque Birds Exploration, ages 13 and up. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW. CONTACT Nick Bachand, 768-4951 or

MARCH 7, 5-8 pm, free. ALBUQUERQUE ARTS CRAWL, Open house at various art galleries around ABQ, meet and visit with artists in person.

MARCH  7, 5-8 PM, free. Albuquerque Downtown Art Walk along Central Avenue between 1st & 8th streets and adjacent streets. Vendors, music, food, arts & crafts.

MARCH 8, 10:30am-12 noon, free. Bad Girls of NM History presented by author and former state historian Robert Torrez. Downtown Main Library, 5th & Copper upstairs in genealogy center. Free parking across street in City garage.

MARCH 8, 10am-2pm, free. 11am A Journey through Life, medicine and Science by “Her story honoring Native American Women”, 12 noon dance performance. Petroglyph National Monument Visitors Center, 6510 Western Trail NW.

MARCH 8, 2-4 pm, free. Opening of Entangled Cultures exhibit-the complex web of humans and microbes through fermentation. Maxwell Museum. 500 University NE.

MARCH 8, 11 am-1pm, free. Saturday at the Refuge includes  activities, arts & crafts, fun, and refreshments. Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, 7851 2nd St. SW, 248-6667.>refuge>valle-de-oro.

MARCH 8, 9-11am, free but register in advance. Intro to Outdoors: Learn to Birdwatch in the Bosque. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW. CONTACT Nick Bachand, 768-4951 or

MARCH 8, 12 noon-4pm, free. Type In! Public Typewriter Gathering. Come use typewriters that are 50, 60 even 100 years old! Special paper provided. Special Collections Library, 423 Central NE at Edith. Be aware of parking restrictions.

MARCH 8,  10-11:30am, free. Traditional Jemez Pueblo Drum Making, Presented by Everett Fragua. Martha Liebert Library in Bernalillo, 145 Calle Malinche, 867-1440. Sponsored by the Friends of Coronado and Jemez Historic Sites.

MARCH 8, 1-3 pm, free. Rio Grande Return — Learn about protection and restoration of NM wetlands (habitat protection and restoration, seed propagation). Contact Aaron Gardner,, 898-3915. 973 Old Church Rd. In Corrales.

MARCH  8, 10 am-4pm, free. Regular monthly book sale by the Friends of the ABQ BernCo Public Library. Main branch, 5th & Copper NW. Two hour free parking across the street at the City garage. Bring your ticket in to be stamped.

MARCH 8 and 15, 22, 29, 10 am, free. Ranger Led Hike at Rinconada Canyon area of Petroglyph National Monument. Unser & St. Joseph’s NW.

MARCH 8, 9am-4pm, free. 25th annual Cowboy Days at the NM Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum in Las Cruces.

MARCH 9 Daylight Savings time begins.

MARCH 9, 2-4 pm, free. Community in Conflict: The Legacy of the Santa Fe WW II Internment Camp. UNM Student Union theater. Have to register through NM Holocaust and Intolerance Museum. Info at or 247—0606. Funded by BernCo Commission Dist. 4 Walt Benson.

MARCH 9, 2pm, free. Award winning artist Andrew Montoya speaks about The Process of Painting Retablos for the Sandoval County Historical Society. The Sandoval County Museum is at 161 Homestead Lane, located between the Santa Ana Star Casino and Coronado Historic Site, just north of 550, turn at the dirt road by the IHOP. 505-867-2755.

MARCH 10, 11:30am, free.  Albuquerque Press Women & Friends. Megan Holcomb speaks about the Keep ABQ Beautiful Program. In-person at Weck’s Restaurant, 7301 Paseo del Norte NE.  (You may purchase food/beverage.) More info from Sponsored by Albuquerque Press Women and Friends

MARCH 11, 3-5:30 pm, free. See the 1925 silent movie classic The Big Parade as a way to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Special Collections Library. 423 Central NE. Watch for parking restrictions.

MARCH 11, 6:30 pm, free. The Use of “Field House” to classify small pre-contact structures on South Cat Mesa of  the Jemez Ranger Dist. Presented by Jon Sandor from Iowa State U and Maryann Wasiolecks. Sandia Ranger Station in Tijeras. Presented by Friends of Tijeras Pueblo. More information at

MARCH 12, 3-4 pm, free. NM History Museum presents “Time Zero, Nuclearism and the Cultural Legacy of Nuclear History” by Sean Patrick Carney. More info at

MARCH 13, 5-6 pm pm, free. Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a performance by the McTeggert Irish Dancers. Rudolfo Anaya North Valley Library, 7704 2nd St. NW, 897-8823.

MARCH 13, 6:30 pm, $20 donation encouraged. Dr. Bob Watt, expert on Apache history and warfare  speaks at the ABQ Museum. Benefit for Natural Curiosity which sponsors conservation through education, research & edu-tourism.

MARCH 13, 11pm – 1:30 am, by donation. Come view the last lunar eclipse visible in ABQ until 2029. NM Natural History Museum, 1801 Mountain Rd. NW.

MARCH 14, 8-10am, free but register in advance. Bosque Birding for Kids ages 5-12. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW. CONTACT Nick Bachand, 768-4951 or

MARCH 14, 6 pm, free. Sonia Nazario, Pulitzer Prize author of Enrique’s Journey-discusses her book research on immigration today. ABQ Museum.

MARCH 14, 1-2, free. Nani Vazna brings an award winning musical program of flamenco and voice. Sponsored by AMP concerts. Main Library.

MARCH 15, 1-3:30 pm, free. Celebrate the naming of the Rudolfo Anaya Library Branch. Program by the Los Ranchos Historical Society, a story time with Anaya Children’s books and special cake. Rudolfo Anaya North Valley Library, 7704 2nd St. NW, 897-8823.

MARCH 15, 11 am – 12:30 pm, free. As part of Women’s History Month Archeologist Jonna Paden from Acoma Pueblo speaks on Oral history of contemporary pueblo Women in service, Leadership and the Arts. Downtown Main Library, 5th & Copper upstairs in genealogy center. Free parking across street in City garage

MARCH 15, 2pm, free. Route 66 Films presented by historians Richard Melzer and Patty Guggino. Sponsored by Friends of the Los Lunas Library. Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and Arts, 251 Main St. in Los Lunas.

MARCH 15, 10-11 am, free. Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with the McTeggart Irish Dancers. Come early to get a seat.  Martha Liebert Library in Bernalillo, 145 Calle Malinche, 867-1440.

MARCH 15, 10 am-12 noon, free. Genealogy workshop for seniors-sponsored by AARP. National Hispanic Cultural Center. 1701 4th SW.

MARCH 15, 10am-11, free. Randy Dunson speaks on the Santa Fe Railroad Belen Cutoff and the Development of Eastern NM. Dunson focuses on the personal stories of men and women who worked for the Railroad. Wheels Museum, 1100 2nd SW. More detail

MARCH 15, 12 noon-1pm, Martin Matlack brings a photo presentation of railroad scenes. Wheels Museum, 11002nnd SW. More info, 243-6269.

MARCH 15, 12 noon-1pm, free. Learn Dine words describing food as you play bingo. San Pedro Library, 5600 Trumbull SE, 256-2067.

MARCH 15, 5:30, reception, 6:30 pm artists talk, free. Exhibit opens at IPCC. Sage Mountainflower: House of Fashion. Mountainflower is Ohkay Owingeh/Taos/Dine. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.

MARCH 15, 8-2:30 pm, free but register in advance. Various activities at the Center: 8am Hike, 10am-12 noon Family Nature Club; 1-2:30 Rise Up: Women in Movement – Dance of the Earth. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW. CONTACT Nick Bachand, 768-4951 or

MARCH 16, 2 pm, free. Kevin & Kim Murphy speak about The History of the Netherwood Park Neighborhood- MID Century Modern.  Albuquerque Historical Society. Free Parking south of the Museum & free admission to the ABQ Museum in Old Town.

MARCH 17 St. Patrick’s Day

MARCH 17-21 Spring Break, no school for APS

MARCH 18, 11am, $20 to benefit Corrales Art Center. Exploring the Life and Pasion of Charles Carrillo. More info and tickets at Casa San Ysidro.

MARCH 19, 12 noon, virtual or in-person. Kathleen Dull from the State Library discusses “De-tourists Delight-The Fred Harvey Company Indian Detours” State Records Center, Pinon Room, 1205 Camino Carlos Rey in Santa Fe.  More info at, Office of the State Historian.

MARCH 20, 6 pm, free. Writing the Wild: Delusions & Grandeur, Dreams of the New West at Bookworks store,, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW.

MARCH 20, 5-8pm, free. Third Thursday at the ABQ Museum with focus on Quest of the  Southwest: Music Creativity, exploration. 6pm, Dawn Tarpley and the WesternHers, all female band play best in classic Country music (dance floor) More information from Diana Delgado, 243-7255. Albuquerque Museum.

MARCH 20, 6:30-8 pm, admission. Voices in Science Evening Lecture. Ancient Life, 250 Million years of earth history in NM by Dr. Spencer Lucas, curator of Paleontology at the NM Natural History Museum. 1801 mountain Rd. NW. More info

MARCH 22, 9:30 am, free. How to bring your pet to Salinas National Monument, Bark in the Park-dog Etiquette. Followed by either 10 am or 12:30 pm hike.  More information at or call 847-2585 X 221.

MARCH 22, 2 pm, free. Hawks Aloft at Bookworks store,, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW

MARCH 22, 2pm, free. “Tales of Gold & Other Treasures” presented by archaeologist historic Karl Laumbach. Sponsored by Historical Society of NM Speakers Bureau. Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and Arts, 251 Main St. in Los Lunas.

MARCH 22, 1pm, admission. In my Mother’s House by Ann Nolan Clark. IPCC family Story Hour.

MARCH 22, 1:30-5 pm, free. Celebrate the Centennial 100th birthday of “Old Main / Special Collections Library”: 1:30 pm premiere of documentary “Old Main Library 1925-2025, followed by 3pm concert by Le Chat Lunatique musical group. Refreshment too ! Learn 423 Central NE. Watch for parking restrictions. (Might need to park at a distance). 423 Central NE at Edith.

MARCH 22, 6-7:30 pm, free but register in advance. Sunset Hike in the Bosque. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW. CONTACT Nick Bachand, 768-4951 or

MARCH 22, 2-3:30 pm, free. The crash of TWA Flight 260-70 years later, presented by Terry Owen. Sponsored by the East Mountains Historical Society, Tijeras Village Hall, 12 Camino Municipal, Tijeras, NM. More information at

MARCH 23, 2 PM, free. Jon Ghahate speaks on The Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Corrales Historical Society. Historic San Ysidro Church, 966 Old Church Rd.

MARCH 23,  2 pm, free. The Inquisition in New Mexico. Presented by NM State Historian Rob Martinez. Martha Liebert Library in Bernalillo, 145 Calle Malinche, 867-1440. Sponsored by the Friends of Coronado and Jemez Historic Sites. More information at

MARCH 23, 4:30-7 pm, free. Come early to guarantee seating, “In conversation with Margaret Wood, author of In the Painters Kitchen, the personal life and culinary loves of Georgia O’Keeffe“. NM History Museum, more info at

MARCH 25, 9:30 am or by zoom, free. Learn about colcha embroidery from Annette Gutierrez-Turk. National Hispanic Cultural

MARCH 25-Dec. 7, admission. “Restorying our Heart places: Contemporary Pueblo Architects.” This features the work of pueblo architects since 1975.

MARCH 25, 7 pm, free. Dr. Timothy Koeth discusses his book, Taking the Enigma out of Enigma-How did it Work? Sponsored by the Los Alamos Historical Society. Fuller Lodge, 2132 Central Ave. More info at

MARCH 27, 6-8pm, free. Oaxaca Ingobernable: Reflections from Oaxaca’s past for our Shared Future. Lecture by Dr. Alan Shane Dillingham, 500 University Blvd. NE.

MARCH 28, 4-5:30 pm, Springtime in the Desert. Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge,  7851 2nd St. SW, 248-6667.

MARCH 29, 11am-12 noon, free. Tour the 100 year old Special Collection “Old Main” library branch as part of its centennial. 423 Central NE.

MARCH 29, 10am-11, free. Donatella Davanzo speaks on Route 66 Connected and the heritage of the Mother Road through photographs and personal interviews. Followed at 12 noon-1pm by musician and author/actor Jose Ponce who presents music. Wheels Museum, 1100 2nd SW. More detail

MARCH 29, 2-3:30 pm, free. Drs. Daniel and Susan Arreola, The Geographer’s Eye: Sight & Insight. Placitas Community Library, 453 NM Highway 165, 867-3355.

MARCH 29, 1:30-3pm, admission. Spinning & weaving workshop. Casa San Ysidro in Corrales.

MARCH 29, 6 pm, free. Sage Vogel speaks on Dichos En Nichos,, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW 

MARCH 29, 10am-5pm, free. Gallup, NM New Deal Art virtual Museum launch party. Includes tea party, building tours, lectures at six Gallup buildings including McKinley County Courthouse. Call 505-488-2136 for more info or

MARCH 29/30, 10am-6pm, admission, age 17 & under free. NM Renaissance Celtic Festival, Wildife West nature park in Edgewood. Over 150 planned activities and musical events.

Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument near Mountainair.  Contact Natalia Sanchez Hernandez for more info. Call 505-847-2585, ext. 221.


Randall Davey Audubon Center and sanctuary, 1800 Upper Canyon Rd. in Santa Fe. Tour the gardens and historic Randall Davey house. Fridays @ 2 pm are docent led house tours, $5. Saturdays @8:30 am are guided bird walk. More info at Monday – Saturday, 8am-4pm.

The historic court case involving Isleta pueblo member Miguel Trujillo and voting rights for Native Americans. To request traveling exhibit contact There is a six part podcast available at

INDIAN EDUCATION AT UNM, Watch several previously recorded programs about Native American education, the Dine language and more.

HISTORIC SANTA FE FOUNDATION ( offers many free programs to watch: Ron Duncan Hart speaking on the Early Jews in NM; Rob Martinez – The Enduring Hispanic Music of NM.

The Wheels Museum, 1100 2nd St. SW. Monday -Thursday, 9 am-12 noon, Sat. 12 noon-2pm. Call first to confirm, 243-6269 or
MURALS OF ALBUQUERQUE ( This shows over 130 murals in the ABQ metro area. You click on each picture and it shows the mural, gives its title and address, describes the image, and the artists.

ONLINE TOUR OF THE 15 HISTORIC MURALS AT THE INDIAN PUEBLO CULTURAL CENTER The tour gives details  of the artist and the dance or ritual illustrated in the mural.

Cibola County History Museum, 525 West High St., Grants NM. Go to the museum’s Facebook page for more information.

NUCLEAR MUSEUM – The Museum has a huge collection of oral history interviews (also transcribed) called Voices of the Manhattan Project. There are some 600 interviews of individuals who were either at the Manhattan Project or a family member who worked there. The  interviews are organized into 39 categories such as: Internment of Japanese Americans, Life in the Secret cities,  Hispanic employees, Native American.


Historic Fairview Cemetery, 700 Yale SE. invites anyone to come and hoe tumbleweeds and goat heads. The cemetery is open dawn to dusk and accessible through the gates of Fairview Memorial Park. Wear hard soled shoes & bring your own tools. or “Where the Past meets the Present.


Many of the museums and cultural centers in the ABQ metro area have put programming on their websites, Facebook pages or YouTube links. This includes everything from:

  • concerts, history lectures, video tours of various museum collections,
  • photograph pod casts, curriculum and study guides for children, audio interviews,

All of this is free and even “low tech” individuals can navigate these websites. There are YouTube channels available at no cost to watch to all. You are urged to explore many websites but especially these:

  • CORONADO HISTORIC SITE – Watch numerous programs from the website of the Friends of Coronado Historic Site. All info on their website.
  • NEW MEXICO HISTORY IN TEN MINUTES ( On the home page, go to the bottom and click on Video of the Month. The entire list of episodes will appear by clicking on the corner of the video. NM State Historian Rob Martinez is most engaging and informative and there are more than 40 Episodes. The episodes may be heard in chronological order or by topic which is introduced in the first minute or so of the episode.
  • CIVIC AUDITORIUM HISTORY VIDEO (1957-1986) Go to the Resources Tab, then the drop down to the three Civic Auditorium videos. They tell the story of the structure: why it was built, how it was used and why it was ultimately demolished.
  • HOLOCAUST MUSEUM and GELLERT EDUCATION CENTER NM, 616 Central SW. Go to the website Questions call 247-0606.


The Albuquerque Historical Society provides videos of scheduled program presentations. The videos are linked from the appropriate AHS Program pages. Presentations captured on videos to date include: