January 2025 NM History & Culture Opportunities

The Albuquerque Historical Society & the Historical Society of NM

Encourage your participation in the following history & cultural events:


GREAT HOLIDAY GIFTS – BUY YEARLY PASSES AT VARIOUS LOCAL MUSEUMS & CULTURAL CENTERS. Most museums have special prices for family, military, and seniors.

THE ALBUQUERQUE HISTORICAL SOCIETY January 19, 2pm. Historian Roger Zimmerman speaks on the forced removal of the Navajo people and the  Navajo Long Walk of 1863-1866. Free parking & free admission to the ABQ Museum in Old Town. albuqhistsoc.org.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEW MEXICO. New Mexico became the 47th state on January 6, 1912. Read about it, https://newmexicohistory.org/nm-journey-to-become-a-state/. Visit – NewMexicoHistory.org to view thousands of entries: photos, videos, podcasts, Timelines for the five periods of NM History & More! The New Mexico State Historian Rob Martinez can be reached at 505-476-7911.

ART PROJECTS, GAMES, BIRDS & NATURE STUDY, CONCERTS, CAREER EXPLORATION, COMPUTER TRAINING, COOKING, & MORE – ACTIVITIES FOR ALL AGES AT THE BRANCHES OF THE ABC LIBRARY SYSTEM, Go to abqlibrary.org to review listing by location, days and times! Be sure to look for all kinds of free family & children’s activities. Programs this month involving Martin Luther King Jr. and the Lunar New Year.

Guided hikes on Thursdays at Piedras Marcadas Canyon starting at 10 am, . These hikes are 1.5 miles total in length with little to no elevation gain. There are no amenities in the Piedras Marcadas Canyon parking lot. Bring water with you and dress for the weather. Located at 9501 Golf Course Rd NW in Albuquerque. Double check for unexpected closures. Call 899-0205.

Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument ranger led hikes at 11 am. Saturdays at Abo and Sundays at Quarai. More information at nps.gov/sapu/planyourvisit. or Call 847-2585 X 221. Approximately one hour from ABQ.

Hundreds more events, classes & programs detailed at AbqToDo.com.

JANUARY 1 – JANUARY 5, free in the lobby of the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. See the spectacular “pueblo New Mexico style” gingerbread houses. 2401 12thSt. NW

JANUARY 3, 5-8 pm, free. ALBUQUERQUE ARTS CRAWL, artscrawlabq.org. Open house at various art galleries around ABQ, meet and visit with artists in person. 

JANUARY 3, 5-8 PM, free. Albuquerque Downtown Art Walk along Central Avenue between 1st & 8th streets and adjacent streets. Vendors, music, food, arts & crafts.

JANUARY 4, 9-12 noon. Come help clean up Historic Fairview Cemetery, 700 Yale SE. Wear hard soled shoes and bring your own tools. The cemetery is open dawn to dusk and accessible through the gates of Fairview Memorial Park. www.HistoricFairviewCemeteryABQ.org or Facebook.com/The communityofHistoricFairviewCemetery. “Where the Past meets the Present”.

JANUARY 4, 8-11 am, free. Bosque Wild Hike. Open Space Visitor Center, 6400 Coors Blvd. NW. 768-4951.

JANUARY 4, 9-11 am, free. Wing It in the New Year at the Candelaria Nature Preserve. Join the Bird Alliance of Central NM on an intro to basics of birding walk.  2901 Candelaria NW.

JANUARY 4, 2 pm, free. Former NM state senator DeDe Feldman speaks about the NM Legislature. Placitas Community Library.453 Highway 165 in Placitas. Or call 505-867-3355

JANUARY 6  NEW MEXICO STATEHOOD DAY. NM became state # 47 on January 6, 1912 when President Taft signed the statehood proclamation. Previously a constitution was approved in 1910. Get more information from the website of the New Mexico State Historian’s Office. Find hundreds of articles about people, places, events at NewMexicoHistory.org. There is an entire section about the events that led to Statehood and a copy of the New Mexico 1910 Constitution. https://newmexicohistory.org/special-projects/centennial-home/


JANUARY 7, 3-5 pm, free. Play Dine string games and watch Dine Coyote stories in the Navajo language. International District Library, 7601 Central NE, 768-4970

JANUARY 8, 12 noon by Zoom, free. Librarian and archivist Heather McClure speaks on “Edgar Hewett in the 21st Century”. NM History Museum Friends of History. Go to the website FriendsofHistoryNM.org/lecture-series/ to watch this and the past lectures on their YouTube channel.

JANUARY 8, 3-4 pm, free. Concert by MonAxi/Daughter of the Earth (from Angola, dialect of Bantu language is Kimbundo). International District Library, 7601 Central NE, 768-4970.

JANUARY 9, 4-5 pm, free. Concert by MonAxi/Daughter of the Earth (from Angola, Kimbundo Dialect of Bantu). Juan Tabo Library, 3407 Juan Tabo Blvd. NE, 291-6260.

JANUARY 9, 16, 23, 30, free. 10 am, free.  Guided hike (1.5 miles) in Piedras Marcadas Canyon unit of Petroglyph National Monument. Bring plenty of water.  9501 Golf Course Rd. NW.

JANUARY, There is no meeting in January of the Taos County Historical Society. Taos County Historical Society. Kit Carson Board Room, 118 Cruz Alta Rd. Information at TaosCountyHistoricalSociety.org. More information from Ernestine Cordova, cordova@newmex.com or call 575-7700681.

JANUARY 9, 7 pm. The Future of our Forests, PBS ch. 5.1. Taos, NM students created this film exploring the components of forest ecology, wildfire and a view of what our forests will look  like in 15 years. Includes info about the Calf Canyon fire.

JANUARY 10, doors open 5:30, program 6-7:30 pm, $10 is ticket for beverage. Science on Tap: Tapping Science for Game Changing Performance and Environmental benefits. Presented by Dr. Sal Rodriguez from Sandia Labs. Nuclear Science Museum, Eubank SE.

JANUARY 11, 1 pm, free. David Dorado Romo speaks on Borderlands and the Mexican American Story. Bookworks, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW. bkwrks.com.

JANUARY 11, 11am, free. Noted NM historian and genealogist Henrietta Martinez Christmas speaks about Spanish Colonial Women. Learn what inventories of women’s clothing and household goods tell about the lives of women in the outer reaches of the Spanish Frontier. Main Branch Library, 2nd floor. Free parking available at City garage across street.

JANUARY 11, 10 am-4pm, free. Regular monthly book sale by the Friends of the ABQ BernCo Public Library. Main branch, 5th & Copper NW. Two hour free parking across the street at the City garage. Bring your ticket in to be stamped.

JANUARY 11, 10 am-1pm, free. Winter Growers market downtown, Fusion Building, 708 1st NW.

JANUARY 11/12, 12 noon, fee. Cultural dances, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. indianpueblo.org.

JANUARY 12, 2 pm, free. AZTEC DANCERS & MUSIC – Sandoval County Historical Society & Museum. 161 Homestead Lane, located between the Santa Ana Star Casino and Coronado Historic Site, just north of 550, turn at the dirt road by the IHOP. SandovalHistory.org. 505-867-2755.

JANUARY 13, 11:30am, free.  Albuquerque Press Women & Friends. District Attorney Sam Bregman gives an update of crime in the metro area and legislation involving crime that will be presented at the 2025 Legislature. In-person at Weck’s Restaurant, 7301 Paseo del Norte NE.  (You may purchase food/beverage.) More info from lockettabq@comcast.net. Sponsored by Albuquerque Press Women and Friends

JANUARY 14, 7 pm, free. Growing up in Los Alamos, a panel discussion with four participants. Sponsored by the Los Alamos Historical Society. Fuller Lodge. More info at LosAlamosHistory.org.

JANUARY 15, 12 noon, virtual or in-person. The Road to New Mexico Statehood 1912 given by former State Historian Rick Hendricks. State Records Center, Pinon Room, 1205 Camino Carlos Rey in Santa Fe.  Get link from Nicolasa.chavez@scra.nm.gov. More info at NewMexicoHistory.org, Office of the State Historian.

JANUARY 16, 5-8pm, free. Third Thursday at the ABQ Museum. Focus on exhibit Broken Boxes and More. 6pm panel discussion of migration, and memory. Albuquerque Museum.

JANUARY 16, 6 PM, FREE. “Ungentrified, Poems of the North Valley and Beyond” presented by Sharon Niederman. Bkwrks.com, 4022 Rio Grande NW.

JANUARY 17, 3-4 PM, free. Concert by Clarumba Clarinet Quartet. Taylor Ranch Library, 5700 Bogart NW, 897-8816

JANUARY 17, 5:30 pm, free. Unity Candlelight Vigil for MLK Jr. Holiday. African American Performing Arts Center, 310 San Pedro NE on the Fairgrounds. Free Parking.

JANUARY 18, 9 am. Martin Luther King Jr. march. Meet at University and MLK Dr. NE. Proceed west to Civic Plaza for 11 am ceremony. More information from Beverly.Gaines@nmmlksc.org.

JANUARY 18, 11 am-12 noon, free. Gutierrez Hubbell House, 6029 Isleta SW. Opening reception showcases TICRAT 2024 — the workshop held at GHH in September that focused on reviving traditional earthen architecture, building and preservation techniques. Meet guest curator Esai Ramirez, grad student from UNM.

JANUARY 18, 3:30-5 pm, free. Gardening with native Plants , demos by Diane Stevenson. Tramway Lomas Library, 908 Eastridge NE.

JANUARY 18, 11 am-12 noon, free. Wheels Museum presents local author and musician Jose Antonio Ponce. Contact 505-243-6269 or info@WheelsMuseum.com, leba4@aol.com, 1100 2ndSt. SW.

JANUARY 19, 2 pm, free.   The Albuquerque Historical Society  presents historian Roger Zimmerman speaking about the Navajo Long Walk. This was the forced removal of the Navajo people by the US military between 1863-1866. It ended at the Bosque Redondo area near Ft. Sumner, NM. Parking & free admission to the ABQ Museum in Old Town. albuqhistsoc.org.

JANUARY 19, 2 PM, free. Gregory Hasman speaks on Traveling the Roads of New Mexico. Corrales Historical Society. Historic San Ysidro Church, 966 Old Church Rd. Corraleshistory.org.

JANUARY 19, 3:30 pm, free. MLK observance sponsored by the Baptist Ministerial Union. Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, 608 Avenida Cesar Chavez SE.

JANUARY 19, 5-8 pm, free. Vietnamese Community celebrates the Lunar New Year. (Food and other items for sale) Holy Ghost Church, 833 Arizona @ San Pedro SE.

JANUARY 20 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY federal holiday observed. (Martin Luther King Jr. born January 15, 1929).

JANUARY 20, $40. MLK Jr. Celebration luncheon with guest speaker Dr. Clayborne Carson. Sponsored by the sclcnm.org. St. Thomas Aquinas Church 1502 Sara Rd. Rio Rancho. More info from sclcnm.org.

JANUARY 20, Presidential Inauguration in Washington DC.

JANUARY 21 NEW MEXICO LEGISLATURE BEGINS A 60 DAY SESSION. All information about committee hearings, bills, contact information for individual legislators on nmlegis.gov.

JANUARY 23, 6 pm, free. Kyle Paeoletta speaks on American Oasis: Finding the Future in the Cities of the Southwest. Bkwrks.com, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW


JANUARY 24, 2pm, free Open House with free admission to the Nuclear Science Museum. Continues till 7pm. View exhibits then at 5 pm learn about volunteer opportunities, education programs, special events, group tours & More. Museum of Nuclear Science, Eubank SE.

JANUARY 24, 2-3:30 pm, free. Weed Warriors Volunteer Work Party, Valle del Oro National Wildlife Refuge. Come get rid of invasive plants to help restore environment. Bring gloves. 7851 2nd St. SW, 248-6667. fws.gov.refuge.valle-de-oro.

JANUARY 25, gates open 7 am, $20 for sampling of all entries. World Largest Matanzas tasting of numerous team entries. Belen Eagle Park, just north of Belen HS. Musical groups, fun for all. Sponsored by the Valencia County Hispano Chamber. More info at HispanoChamberVC.org, contact Bob Lucero.

JANUARY 25, 10:30-11:30 am, free but need to register. Welcome the Year of the Snake/Lunar New Year with Crafts for Kids. Juan Tabo Library, 3407 Juan Tabo NE, 291-6260.

JANUARY 25, 9am-12noon, free. For youth ages 11-14. Learn about the natural world through fun and hands on science activities. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW. Contact Dionne Epps, 768-4960 or depps@cabq.gov.

JANUARY 25, 10:30-12:30 pm, free. Hammered Con demo with the Albuquerque Coin Club, learn the history behind coin making. Cherry Hills Library, 6901 Barstow NE at Harper. 857-8321.

JANUARY 25/26, 12 noon, fee. Cultural dances, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. indianpueblo.org.

JANUARY 25, free. Tour the 1925 Special Collections Library. 423 Central NE at Edith. Watch for parking restrictions on surrounding streets.

JANUARY 25, 4-5:30 pm, free but register in advance. Sunset Hike in the Bosque. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW.

JANUARY 26, 2-4 pm, free. Richard Melzer speaks about “Barstow California — Little Belen“, the migration of railroad workers to CA between 1930-1950. Belen Harvey House, 104 N. 1st St. Sponsored by the Valencia County Historical Society.

JANUARY 26,  2 pm, free. A Place Connected: Protecting Petroglyph National Monument in the midst of Rapid Change. Presented by Nancy Hendricks, Supt. Of Petroglyph National Monument. Martha Liebert Library in Bernalillo, 145 Calle Malinche, 867-1440.

JANUARY 29 LUNAR NEW YEAR (also known as Chinese New Year) The 2025 celebration will be Feb. 1 at the Chinese Cultural Center, 427 Adams SE.

JANUARY 31, 10am-12 noon, free. Candelaria Nature Preserve Hike. Meet at the west end of Arbor Rd, west of Rio Grande Blvd. Must register at play.cabq.gov.

Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument near Mountainair.  Contact Natalia Sanchez Hernandez for more info. Call 505-847-2585, ext. 221.


Randall Davey Audubon Center and sanctuary, 1800 Upper Canyon Rd. in Santa Fe. Tour the gardens and historic Randall Davey house. Fridays @ 2 pm are docent led house tours, $5. Saturdays @8:30 am are guided bird walk. More info at RandallDavey.audubon.org. Monday – Saturday, 8am-4pm.

The historic court case involving Isleta pueblo member Miguel Trujillo and voting rights for Native Americans. To request traveling exhibit contact tasneem.bsaies@dca.nm.gov. There is a six part podcast available at podcast.nmculture.org

INDIAN EDUCATION AT UNM, iaie.unm.edu. Watch several previously recorded programs about Native American education, the Dine language and more.

HISTORIC SANTA FE FOUNDATION (historicSantaFe.org) offers many free programs to watch: Ron Duncan Hart speaking on the Early Jews in NM; Rob Martinez – The Enduring Hispanic Music of NM.

The Wheels Museum, 1100 2nd St. SW. Monday -Thursday, 9 am-12 noon, Sat. 12 noon-2pm. Call first to confirm, 243-6269 or info@wheelsmuseum.org

MURALS OF ALBUQUERQUE (www.murosabq.com) This shows over 130 murals in the ABQ metro area. You click on each picture and it shows the mural, gives its title and address, describes the image, and the artists.

ONLINE TOUR OF THE 15 HISTORIC MURALS AT THE INDIAN PUEBLO CULTURAL CENTER The tour gives details  of the artist and the dance or ritual illustrated in the mural. https://indianpueblo.org/pueblos-pigments-and-prominence-the-murals-of-ipcc/

Cibola County History Museum, 525 West High St., Grants NM. Go to the museum’s Facebook page for more information.

NUCLEAR MUSEUM – The Museum has a huge collection of oral history interviews (also transcribed) called Voices of the Manhattan Project. There are some 600 interviews of individuals who were either at the Manhattan Project or a family member who worked there. The  interviews are organized into 39 categories such as: Internment of Japanese Americans, Life in the Secret cities,  Hispanic employees, Native American. https://www.nuclearmuseum.org/educate/atomic-heritage-foundation  https://www.manhattanprojectvoices.org/


Historic Fairview Cemetery, 700 Yale SE. invites anyone to come and hoe tumbleweeds and goat heads. The cemetery is open dawn to dusk and accessible through the gates of Fairview Memorial Park. Wear hard soled shoes & bring your own tools. www.HistoricFairviewCemeteryABQ.org or Facebook.com/HistoricFairviewCemetery. “Where the Past meets the Present.


Many of the museums and cultural centers in the ABQ metro area have put programming on their websites, Facebook pages or YouTube links. This includes everything from:

  • concerts, history lectures, video tours of various museum collections,
  • photograph pod casts, curriculum and study guides for children, audio interviews,

All of this is free and even “low tech” individuals can navigate these websites. There are YouTube channels available at no cost to watch to all. You are urged to explore many websites but especially these:

  • CORONADO HISTORIC SITE – Watch numerous programs from the website of the Friends of Coronado Historic Site. Kuaua.org/presentations. All info on their website.
  • NEW MEXICO HISTORY IN TEN MINUTES (newmexicohistory.org) On the home page, go to the bottom and click on Video of the Month. The entire list of episodes will appear by clicking on the corner of the video. NM State Historian Rob Martinez is most engaging and informative and there are more than 40 Episodes. The episodes may be heard in chronological order or by topic which is introduced in the first minute or so of the episode.
  • CIVIC AUDITORIUM HISTORY VIDEO (1957-1986) www.modernabq.org. Go to the Resources Tab, then the drop down to the three Civic Auditorium videos. They tell the story of the structure: why it was built, how it was used and why it was ultimately demolished.
  • HOLOCAUST MUSEUM and GELLERT EDUCATION CENTER NM, 616 Central SW. Go to the website nmholocaustmuseum.org. Questions call 247-0606.


The Albuquerque Historical Society provides videos of scheduled program presentations. The videos are linked from the appropriate AHS Program pages. Presentations captured on videos to date include: