Albuquerque's Environmental Story

Educating For a Sustainable Community

Albuquerque's Natural Environment


Both the geological and natural history of Albuquerque have played a major role in determining the many diversified mini-environments we live in:

People interact with the natural factors in their mini environments, often without any awareness of the relationships which exist. And people are often puzzled by provocative questions about the widely differing conditions which occur within the 163 square miles (in 1995) which make up our city.

Clues to answers for these questions can be found in the "Three-Dimensional View of the Rio Grande Trough in the Albuquerque Region" and in the Ecological Profiles that follow.

Drawing of pine cones

(Up to Section I, Back to Hidden Geology, On to Mountain Uplands)

Copyright © 2008, Friends of Albuquerque's Environmental Story