During the early years of Spanish colonization
there was little time for leisure or “art for art’s
sake.” The first settlers worked hard building
homes, growing crops and making just about
everything they needed. Over the centuries some of
these early necessities developed into art forms.
In New Mexico most of what we now consider an
artistic tradition was solely utilitarian in
function. Blacksmithing, metalworking, woodworking
and furniture making were the major art forms that
the Spanish brought with them to New Mexico. Another
major tradition, which would later become one of New
Mexico’s most profitable industries, was the weaving
and textiles.
The first churro sheep were introduced
into New Mexico as early as 1540, brought on the
Coronado expedition as a food source. By necessity
families carded and spun wool and wove textiles on
hand-made looms. Family patterns brought from Spain
were used, such as the jerga, a checkerboard
plaid. Over time, they developed a stripe weave like
the one used in the Rio Grande blanket.
In the 1600s the first New Mexican textiles were
being exported to Mexico. The sheep and their wool
became so prized that during the Pueblo Revolt of
1680 the sheep were herded away by the Pueblo
Indians, one of the few Spanish belongings not
destroyed. Subsequently, Spanish descendents and
Native Americans alike developed their own unique
profitable textile traditions.
Blacksmithing and metalworking were extremely
important to settlers, as everyone needed tools,
implements, cooking utensils, bits, bridles and
weapons. They also fashioned religious items for
Mass and crafted jewelry.
Most of the items made in this time were
non-decorative and utilitarian because iron and
metals were scarce. Objects were often melted down
and reworked into other necessary items. In the
collections of the state museum is a sword literally
beaten from a plough share.
Pueblo Indian people learned these skills. They,
in turn, taught Spanish settlers how to use animal
brains in the process of tanning hides. They also
taught them to paint on hides, and these paints
represent some of the earliest Spanish paintings
done in New Mexico. Of 70 hide paintings found, all
but two have religious subjects. Another unique hide
painting of this early period is a canopy at Laguna
Pueblo, which contains Native American religious
images and a Spanish Colonial border.
Most non-utilitarian art, particularly painting,
was created for churches, missions and home altars.
The earliest churches, based on Franciscan missions
in Mexico, were initially decorated with wall
paintings and hide paintings.