Joseph’s Joint Resolution

This article discusses the wording associated with the protection of settlers in the Maxwell Land Grant. The articles highlights the decision made by the Secretary of Interior on December 31. 1869, regarding land lying and being situate in the Territory of New Mexico and the State of Colorado lying within what is called the Maxwell Land Grant. The article discusses the position that the Supreme Court took in 1860, where it was considered that the Maxwell land grant had been no part of the public domain since that time. The Secretary of the Interior was to examine the problems related to the occupancy of the land grant and report to Congress.

Document Type: Newspaper Article
Historical Event: Statehood (1912)
Sub Event: Land Grants
Origin: Santa Fe Herald
Date: September 10, 1888
Author: None Cited
Permission: Public Domain
Contributor: Roger Zimmerman
Albuquerque Historical Society

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