FDR’s Response to Einstein Letter

This is President Roosevelt’s response to Albert Einstein’s letter about atomic testing. This letter was done in 1939 by Edwin Watson, secretary to the President.

Document Type: Primary Document
Historical Event: New Mexico Role in WW II (1941-45)
Sub Event: Manhattan Project
Origin: FDR Library
Date: October 17, 1939
Author: Edwin Watson
Permission: Public Domain
Contributor: Tammie Torres
Albuquerque Historical Society

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October 17, 1939

Dear Professor Einstein:

The President has asked me to thank you very much for your recent letter and for your thoughtfulness in sending the manuscripts to him. He has found the data of this research most interesting and is deeply grateful for your kindness in bringing it to his attention. I am glad to inform you that the matter is being thoroughly investigated by a board in cooperation with Dr. Sachs.

With kindest regards, I am,

Sincerely yours,
Secretary to the President

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