On Sunday, August 21, 2022, Sherri Brueggemann spoke about the History of Public Art in Albuquerque. Sherri focussed on describing the history of the current Public Art Urban Enhancement Program beginning with the adoption and implementation of the Art in Public Places Ordinance in 1978. She traced the program’s trajectory within municipal government, including touching on key people and projects over the nearly 44 years. She provided factual and entertaining anecdotal information about many of the works in the Public Art Collection, including several historic public sculptures that were made decades or even a century prior to the formation of the program. The program was held at the Albuquerque Museum at 2000 Mountain Rd. NW in Old Town.
Sherri Brueggemann is the City of Albuquerque Public Art Urban Enhancement, Division Manager. She holds a Masters from UNM’s School of Public Administration with emphasis in arts and cultural policy. Sherri was a founding member of the American for the Arts Public Art Network and served on the PAN Council from 2000-2002. She is also a former printmaker, special events coordinator, winery owner and adjuncts faculty at the University of New Mexico’s College of Fine Arts, Arts Management Program. Sherri has served as a board member for numerous arts, cultural and civic non-profit organizations in the Southwest, including the New Mexico Route 66 Association and the Albuquerque Arts Alliance. She served on the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Arts and Cultural Industries Economic Impact Study, the Downtown MainStreet Arts and Cultural District Steering Committee, the Cultural Directors’ Tourism Steering Committee, and Ambassadors for Spaceport America.

Courtesy City of Albuquerque Public Art Program
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