September 2016 History Opportunities



Encourage your participation in the following SEPTEMBER history events —

SEPTEMBER 10, 9-5 (come to as much as you can) Complimentary Lunch RSVP at 277-5839 or Celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the NM Historical Review, keynote by NM State Historian Rick Hendricks, panels of NM authors & editors. UNM’s Student Union Building.

SEPTEMBER 18, 2 pm — CHASING THE CURE IN NM: TUBERCULOSIS & THE QUEST FOR HEALTH presented by NM historian and author Nancy Lewis Albuquerque Historical Society, Albuquerque Museum, Free parking south of the Museum, free admission to Museum and the program.

FREE SATURDAY WALKING TOURS OF DOWNTOWN CENTRAL AVE Meet at 1st & Central SW at 10 am. Call 289-0586 to leave a message or reserve for a group more than five. Sponsored by the ABQ Historical Society & Historic ABQ, Inc.   

FREE ADMISSION FOR NM RESIDENTS FIRST SUNDAY & 1ST FRIDAY NIGHT FROM 5-8 PM AT THE NM HISTORY MUSEUM  in Santa Fe. ALL STATE HISTORIC SITES free on 1st Sunday, Free admission for seniors every Wednesday at Historic Sites.

SEPTEMBER 4, 1ST SUNDAY FREE admission. NM Natural History Museum in Albuquerque.

SEPTEMBER TUESDAYS 6, 13, 20, 27, pay what you can $5-$10 per class. Cuban salsa dance class, 6-7 pm beginner & intermediate; 7-8 pm intermediate & advanced., 2 – 4 pm, National Hispanic Cultural Center, 246-2261 X 189,,  

SEPTEMBER SATURDAYS / SUNDAYS, 8:30 am, $3 per car parking free program. “Bird Walks” . Rio Grande Nature Center State Park, 2901 Candelaria NW,

SEPTEMBER 1, 5:30-7:30 pm, free. Happy Arte Hour, Adult beverages for sale, complimentary snacks. National Hispanic Cultural Center, 4th & Bridge Contact Elena Baca 246-2261 X 167 or

SEPTEMBER 1, 5:30-6:30 pm, free. Science on Tap– informal talks on science & technology. Dr. Janie Chermak from UNM speaks on People, Behavior, Incentives & Water. O’Niells Restaurant at 4310 Central SE. Sponsored by the National Museum of Nuclear.Science & History.

SEPTEMBER 3,  4 pm, Channel 5.1, PBS. Program on Northern NM Music with Cipriano Vigil, Folk Music Traditions..

DO YOU HAVE A NM HISTORY RESEARCH PROJECT. LOOK AT THE “SCHOLARS PROGRAM” AT NM STATE HISTORIAN’S OFFICE. Contact or call505-476-9782. Sponsored by the Office of the State Historian.

SEPTEMBER 3, 10, 17, 24 SATURDAYS, 1-2 pm. Free with admission tour of the Art Museum. National Hispanic Cultural Center, 4th & Bridge

SEPTEMBER 3, 10:30 am, free. Aaron Taylor speaking on “Guidelines for Conducting oral history Interviews”. sponsored by the Hispanic Genealogical Research Center (HGRC) and NM Genealogical Society. Special Collections Library, 423 Central NE.

SEPTEMBER Saturdays 3,10,17,24, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm,  free but $5 donation appreciated. Children’s programming – hands-on art, bilingual sing-alongs, bosque walks, story time. Different theme each Saturday. National Hispanic Cultural Center, 4th & Bridge SW. NM Museum of Natural History. contact Elena Baca at 246-2261.

SEPTEMBER 4, 2-3 pm, free. Celebrating the 100th anniversary of our National Parks. Presented by Dwight Pitcaithley, former NPS historian for 10 years, NM History Museum in Santa Fe.

SEPTEMBER 4, 7-9 am, free. Bosque Wild nature walk. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW, register 897-8831.   

SEPTEMBER 6, 10:30 am-2:30 pm, ABQ Genealogical Military Research group. Main Library.

SEPTEMBER 7, 1 pm, free. Historian Richard Eutalin speaks on Abraham Lincoln and the American West. Meem room of the NM History Museum in Santa Fe.

SEPTEMBER 8, 7 pm, free. Film historian Jeff Berg presents ‘Movies made in New Mexico, Part 2″ Corrales Historical Society at Old San Ysidro Church,

SEPTEMBER 9, 2;30-4 pm, free. Noted NM historian John Kessell presents “Mapping the Great Basin from Mierra to Fremon”, UNM History Dept. at Mesa Verde Hall.

SEPTEMBER 9, 6:30-7:30, free. Opening reception for Community seed murals exhibit. National Hispanic Cultural Center.

SEPTEMBER 10, 9-5, free. Celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Historical Review of New Mexico. Speakers, panel discussions, UNM Student Union Building.

SEPTEMBER 10, 12 noon – 7:30 pm, free. Salsa Fiesta in Old Town Plaza. Salsa competition, entertainment, kids activities, food trucks. $5 for salsa tasting.

SEPTEMBER 10, 2 pm, free. Historic Ranches of NE New Mexico presented by BG Burr. Los Lunas Museum of Art & Heritage.

SEPTEMBER 10, 2 pm, free. Stories from 9/11 presented by Regina Ress, a witness to the attack on the World Trade Center and participant in the response. Placitas Community Library,, 867-3355, located 5 miles East of I-25.

SEPTEMBER 10, 3-4 pm, free. “Walking Tour of Sabino Canyon Open Space”, Bernalillo County. Must RSVP at 314-0398 or

SEPTEMBER 10, 10:30 – 12 noon, free.  Bob Smith, “Dairies of the North Valley“. Special Collections Branch, 423 Central NE,  848-1376.

SEPTEMBER 10, 1:30 pm, free speaker, also free admission 1-4 pm. Historian & folklorist Nasario Garcia speaks from his book Hoes, Heaven & Hell: My Boyhood in Rural NM. Casa San Ysidro in Corrales., 897-8828.

SEPTEMBER 10 & 11, FREE. Symposium Dialogue WITH HISTORIANS, ANTHROPOLOGISTS, ART HISTORIANS, GENEALOGICS, musicians –related to the Fractured Faiths exhibit. NM History Museum in Santa Fe.

SEPTEMBER 11, 10-4, free. Off Center Folk Art Festival – music, vendors, make art, dancers, puppet parade at 12 noon. Robinson Park, 8th & Central downtown.

SEPTEMBER 11, 1-2:30 pm, free. Arboretum Tour, Bachechi Open Space. Alameda & Rio Grande NW

SEPTEMBER 11, 2 pm, free for members, $5 for others. Sandoval County Historical Society program.

SEPTEMBER 11, 3-5 pm, $15 / $20, attendance limited to 80. 9/11: 15 Years Later, The World Trade Center and Fall of a Global Symbol, Dr. Brian Goldstein, UNM. Program at ABQ Museum of Art & History. Sponsored by the ABQ International Assoc.

SEPTEMBER 12, 8:30-9:30 pm. free but donations accepted. Lunar Monday with numerous telescopes. NM Museum of Natural History,

SEPTEMBER 13, 6-8 pm, free. Professor  Ramon Gutierrez from the University of Chicago speaks on “Reies Tijerina, The Alianza, the Apocalypse: the Biblical sources of His Political Thought.” National Hispanic Cultural Center.

SEPTEMBER 13, 2-4 pm or 6-8 pm, free. book club discussing Native American topics or books by Native Americans.  This month is Short Ears of Corn, Poetry about the four season of Laguna life by Max Early.. Food may be ordered from the café. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.  

SEPTEMBER 14, 6:30-8:30 pm, free program & booksigning. Opening of the three month lecture series on Route 66 in conjunction with the exhibit in the Center for Southwest Research, Zimmerman Library. Neon: The Craftwork of Mid-century Rt. 66 signs. Presented by UNM Architecture & Planning professors Mark Childs and Ellen Babcock, UNM Fine Arts.

SEPTEMBER 15, 5-8:30 pm, free 3rd Thursday at the ABQ Museum. Celebrate Radiance, Rust and Revival on the Mother Road

SEPTEMBER 15, 5:30-7:30 pm, free. Salud y Sabor: Venezuela, free cooking demos about Venezuelan cuisine and nutrition info, art, entertainment. National Hispanic Cultural Center, 4th & Bridge SW. Call 246-2261 X 189.

SEPTEMBER 16, 9:30-11:30 am, free. Taste of Oasis – learn all about programs for age 55 & up. Refreshments, meet many instructors, free medical screenings, prizes.  3301 Menaul Blvd. NE, Suite 18 just west of American Furniture.

SEPTEMBER 16, 9:30 am-12 noon, free. Colcha Community  Stitch-Along. Bring your colcha embroidery project. National Hispanic Cultural Center, 4th & Bridge Call 246-2261. 

SEPTEMBER 17, 9-4, free, 10th anniversary of the Open Space Visitor Center. Exhibits, performers, talks. 6 pm, “full moon concert by the Tumbleweeds, 897-8831, Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW...

SEPTEMBER 17, all day, $35 bus tour. Saints & Sinners, three historic Valencia County Churches and a new winery. Lunch provided at the Los Lunas Museum of Art & History. 352-7720.

SEPTEMBER 17, ALL DAY, free. Special event at El Camino Real Historic Site south of Socorro.

SEPTEMBER 17, 5:30-9 pm, free. Japanese Arts & Cultural Evening. Sponsored by the NM Japanese-American Citizens League. National Hispanic Cultural

SEPTEMBER 17, 7:30-9  pm, free. Spring Comes Alive: Animals of the Night, Bachechi Open Space.

SEPTEMBER 17, all day, $8. Western Day at newly created Town of Gabrilla near Datil, NM. info at 575-772-5114 or music, costumes, kids activities.

SEPTEMBER 18, 10 am-5pm, $5. Aki Matsuri, Japanese Fall Festival. Demonstrations, food, music, cultural displays. Sponsored by the NM Japanese American Citizens League. National Hispanic Cultural Center.

SEPTEMBER 18, 1:30-3:30 pm, free. Learn to make Tishpishti, a sweet cake for Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah. Part of the Fractured Faiths: Spanish Judaism, the Inquisition & New World Identities. NM History Museum.

SEPTEMBER 18, 1-3 pm, free with admission. A look in the vault of The three generations of Pablita Velarde, Helen Hardin & Margarete Bagshaw, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.           

SEPTEMBER 18, 2 pm, free. Chasing the Cure in NM: Tuberculosis & the Quest for Health. Speaker Nancy Lewis and book signing.  Albuquerque Historical Society, Albuquerque Museum in Old Town.

SEPTEMBER 18, 2pm, $5 but free for Friends of Coronado Historic Site. “What’s for Dinner? Ancient Plants of NM” by William Whitehead, PhD. at Sandoval county Historical Society Building, 771-9493,

SEPTEMBER 17 & 18, admission fees. Italian food & film festival at Guild Theatre & Scalo’s Restaurant. Contact

SEPTEMBER 21, 5:30-7 pm, free. The Counter Narrative: The last 20 years at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, panel includes CEO & President Mike Canfield and Collections Specialist Amy Johnson.

SEPTEMBER 22, 7-9 pm, $5. Mother Road Movies: Thelma and Louise. Kimo Theatre. Part of Route 66: Radiance, Rust, and Revival on the Mother Road.

SEPTEMBER 23, 7-8:30 pm, free, come early for seating. Waiting in the Wings: the emergence of Zika & other mosquito born viruses. NM Museum of Natural History

SEPTEMBER 23 – 24: book sale from 9 AM to 3 PM each day, at the Transportation Center next to the Rail Runner station.  Sponsored by Friends of the Los Lunas Public Library & Museum of Heritage & Arts.  For more info e-mail 

SEPTEMBER 24, free. Historian & author Dr. Richard Melzer speaks on the History of NM outhouses. Sponsored by the Moriarty Museum at the Moriarty Civic Center & Library just south of Old 66..

SEPTEMBER 24, 10 am-5 pm, free. Open house for Locomotive 2926-includes free hot dogs, music, engine tours. 1833 8th NW just south of I-40,

SEPTEMBER 24, 10-11:30 am, free. Film Historian Jeff Berg presents people past & present with unique connections to New Mexico. Special Collections Library.

SEPTEMBER 24, 10:30-11:30 am, free. Series on Villages along the Rio Grande, Richard Garcia speaks on “Isleta Pueblo since time Immemorial”. Gutierrez Hubbell House, 6029 Isleta SW. Register with or 314-0398.

SEPTEMBER 24. 12-1:30 pm, free. Duane Koyawena from Hopi discusses his drawings and paintings. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.

SEPTEMBER 24, 10 am-12 noon. program & Q & A, Yan Yan Cao presents Magical Facemasks and Dances of China. Sponsored by the Chinese American Speaker Series, North Domingo Baca Community Center at 7521 Carmel NE Wyoming at Paseo del Norte. More information by calling Fay Yao at 934-3941

SEPTEMBER 24, 1-3:30 pm, free. Passport to People Family Program. Let’s go to China –origami, calligraphy, shadow puppets, paper lanterns. Maxwell Museum at UNM.

SEPTEMBER 25, 2-3 pm, free. Growing up in a Lowrider Community. Don Usner shares his experiences in Chimayo. NM History Museum.

SEPTEMBER 25, 1-3 pm, free. The Jewish Legacy of NM, co-sponsored by the NM Jewish Historical Society and the Los Alamos Historical Museum. Fuller Lodge in Los Alamos.

SEPTEMBER 27, 7-8:30 pm, free. Curiosities of New Mexico. The NM State Archives presents  a panel telling unique & strange things in NM History: Crownpoint Boarding School, Gov. Cargo & Reies Lopez Tijerina 1967 raid on the Tierra Amarillo Courthouse. Bachechi Open Space. Must register, 9521 Rio Grande NW at Alameda.  314-0398.                                                           

SEPTEMBER 27, Albuquerque Genealogical Society Research Day at the Main Library. Get help with your research.

SEPTEMBER 28, 12 noon – 1 pm, free. BG Burr speaks on Historic Rt. 66 through New Mexico. Zimmerman Library Waters Room.

SEPTEMBER 30, 8:30-12 noon, free (target is school groups) Launch of the “Darth Vader” Balloon.Balloon Museum. 9201 Balloon Museum Dr. NE at Balloon Fiesta park. 768-6028, www.balloonmuseum

UNM Continuing Education

Call 277-0077 to register and for more information 277-0563. Fees for out of town field trips cover transportation. UNM Continuing Ed booklets with more detail available at all library branches.

****************OASIS PROGRAMS******************************

Call 884-4529 to register and for more information. Must be age 55 and up. Location at American Square Shopping Center, 3301 Menaul Blvd. NE, Suite 18 (near Menaul & Carlisle) Fees vary. Many more classes; these illustrate some local & NM interest.

September 21, field trip to National Weather Service; September 23, Route 66 ABQ Museum Tour; Sept. 24, Wheelchairs in the Bosque Walk; Sept. 26, Gutierrez Hubbell House Lecture & Tour; Sept. 27, Oso Grande Garden habitat Field Trip; Sept. 28, Jemez Valley & San Diego Canyon Day Trip; Air Traffic Control Field trip; Sept. 27, the music of Buddy Holly.

 **********************OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING***************************

$20 Annual Registration Fee. Each class has a fee. More classes in the catalog. Call 277-0077 to register or on line at

Museum of Albuquerque Admission  505 243-7255


NEW OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN ALBUQUERQUE HISTORY View the scrapbooks of the ABQ City Clerk dated from 1922-1974. The books have been copied and reside at the ABQ Special Collections Library, 423 Central NE. Check at the main desNEW MEXICO DIGITAL NEWSPAPERS Over 200,000 pages of historical state newspapers have been digitized and may be viewed.

Website Spotlight website about NM history & culture.

Unser Racing Museum

El Camino Real International Heritage Center (south of Socorro) In addition to presenting the significance of this 1600′s – 1800′s trail, the website has numerous articles about NM history written by local Socorro writer Paul Harden.

NM Veterans Memorial (Albuquerque)
1100 Lousiana NE, 256-2042. The Memorial is dedicated to the men and women who gave their youth, hopes and dreams in the name of freedom. The website includes a section on nine periods of military history and how it affected those living in NM. Go the the events section and click on History of NM Vets.


75th Anniversary of Zimmerman Library

NM Genealogical Society, Main Library,

 ****************MUSEUM EXHIBITS*******************

Albuquerque Museum of Art & History.

Drawing into Architecture: Sketches and Models by Antoine Predock, Radiance, Rust and Revival on the Mother Road,  Back to Life: Historic Fairview Cemetery; , Only in Albuquerque.

Maxwell Museum of Anthropology at UNM. Chinese Americans in New Mexico, Earth, Fire, Life – Six Thousand Years of Chinese Ceramics 277-4405, 277-1400.  

Belen Harvey House, Mi Familia, The People of Belen. Historic photographs, artifacts. 104 North 1st St. 861-0581. open Tuesday – Saturday 12:30-3:30 pm, Closed Sunday & Monday.

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, 2401 12th St. NW – Brand new 40th anniversary exhibit “We are of this Place: the Pueblo Story”,  The Original Instructions: Pueblo Sovereignty & Pueblo Governance; Our Land, Our Culture, Our Story.

National Hispanic Cultural Center  Moving Forward, Looking Back: Journeys across the Old Spanish Trail, 4th & Bridge NW.

National Museum of Nuclear Science & History  American Road: The Journey of Rt. 66.

Santa Fe Museum of Indian Arts Exhibit–Turquoise Water Sky: the stone and its 476-1250

Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and Arts

Fractured Faiths, Along the Pecos: A Photographic and Sound Collage; Lowriders, Hoppers, and Hot Rods: Car Culture of Northern NM, Fading Memories:  The Fred Harvey Company and Its Legacy. 47 Stars, NM Centennial Exhibit Santa Fe Found: Fragments of Time. Archaeological evidence and historic documents of old Santa Fe. Telling NM Stories, Then & Now, .

NEW MEXICO HISTORY EDUCATION RESOURCE NOW AVAILABLE: ADVENTURE, ADVERSITY & OPPORTUNITY: OUR JEWISH PIONEER HISTORY IN NEW MEXICO, Education materials including middle school level lesson plans my be downloaded from the website of the NM Jewish Historical Society, $10 donation requested but not mandatory.

UNM CONTINUING EDUCATION & OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE Maralie BeLonge, 277-6179, program supervisor for Osher. For course info go to or call 277-0077. UNM CE & Osher provide travel, lectures and classes. Osher requires a $20 membership fee. Go for course descriptions.

New Mexico Historic Preservation Division, NM Cultural Affairs Dept.

Placitas Public Library, 453 Hy 165, 5 miles east of the I-25 exit., 867-3355.



SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARY LOCAL HISTORY & ARCHIVES 423 Central SE, branch manager Eileen O’Connell, 848-1377. Come see the beautifully renovated library and browse through many one of a kind books about Albuquerque. Open Tuesday – Sat. 9am-6pm.

MENAUL HISTORICAL LIBRARY OF THE SOUTHWEST, 301 Menaul NE on campus of Menaul School. View artifacts of 100 year old Menaul School and archives of Presbyterian Church history of NM & Southwest. Contact 343-7480 or

VISIT THE WEBSITE OF THE NATIONAL HISPANIC CULTURAL CENTER to see SEPTEMBER highlights of dance, film, workshops, music, theatre and exhibits. 1701 4TH ST. SW, 246-2261.



Celebrating New Mexico Statehood site,
Celebrating New Mexico Statehood provides access to materials about New Mexico’s history and culture. Designed to facilitate research about New Mexico’s past, cultural heritage materials from 12 New Mexico institutions are available here for study and research. Materials include photographs, documents, maps, posters, art, music and video. Managed by the University of New Mexico, University Libraries and funded by UNM’s Center for Regional Studies, this project is intended to help all New Mexicans learn about and appreciate our past. Enjoy!

The 12 institutions participating in the Celebrating New Mexico site are:

  • The Albuquerque Museum
  • Farmington Museum
  • Hubbard Museum of the American West
  • Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
  • National Hispanic Cultural Center
  • New Mexico History Museum, Chavez History Library
  • New Mexico History Museum, Photo Archives
  • New Mexico State University Library
  • Roswell Museum and Art Center
  • Silver City Museum
  • University of New Mexico, Art Museum
  • University of New Mexico, Center for Southwest Research

1910 New Mexico Constitution
This is from the State Historian’s office and it deals specifically with the 1910 New Mexico Constitution. It has photos & bios of all the delegates to the 1910 constitutional convention along with the text of the 1910 constitution, the 2012 amended NM constitution and an essay by the Legislative Council Services describing all the changes to the Constitution over the last 100 years. There is also info on president Taft and much more.

The ABQ Public Library has a huge web site devoted to the Centennial and NM History. There are links to all sorts of material.


Visit the web sites of  the Albuquerque Historical Society,, to see the free Centennial Teachers Resource Guide. The Guide has four sections on New Mexico History and 4th & 7th grade lesson plans. The sections are:

  • New Mexico’s Long Road to Statehood
  • New Mexico’s County Courthouses
  • The Boundaries of New Mexico
  • New Mexico’s Governors since 1912

Compiled by Janet Saiers.-