Encourage your participation in the following history & cultural events:
HISTORY LOVERS GUIDE TO ALBUQUERQUE. November 17, 2 pm, free but limited seating. Presentation by Roger Zimmerman. Albuquerque Museum, free parking south of the Museum, free admission to the program & Museum.
FREE SATURDAY GUIDED WALKING TOURS OF DOWNTOWN CENTRAL AVE at 10 am, MEET YOUR GUIDE AT SW CORNER OF 1ST & CENTRAL IN FRONT OF THEATER. You must PAY City meters. Tours can also be arranged for other days and times. Call 289-0586 to leave a message or reserve for a group more than five. Sponsored by the ABQ Historical Society & Historic ABQ.
CHECK WEBSITE: for chronological calendar listing of ABQ activities in arts & culture.
NOVEMBER 1, 5-8 pm, free. First Friday Art Crawl of various art galleries around ABQ.
NOVEMBER 1, 5-8 pm, free. First Friday ABQ Artwalk. Numerous restaurant and gallery open houses including businesses along Central and south 4th street. Print map at
NOVEMBER 1, 5:30-9 pm, First Friday Admission price $5. NM Museum of Natural History & Science, 1801 Mountain Rd. NW.
NOVEMBER 1, 5-7 pm, free. Despedia (Farewell) Dia de los Muertos. Music, poetry, art, tour of offrendas. 246-2261. National Hispanic Cultural Center. More info at
NOVEMBER 1-2, various ticket costs. NM Architectural Foundation, Launch party Nov. 1, 5:30-8pm, El Vado Motel, Guide to NM’s important & distinctive architecture sites. $8. November 2, 9 am, $30 for members. Tour and lunch of downtown/EDO sites including Glorieta Sign Museum, Press Club, Special Collections Library. More info at www.
NOVEMBER 2, 10 AM-2 PM, free. Convoy of Hope, Convention Center. Free groceries, shoes, hair cuts, family photos, dental exams – everyone welcome. 395-5410.
NOVEMBER 2, 1-4 pm, free. Open Space 35th anniversary. 1 pm, History of Open Space slide show presentation by Rex Funk; 2 pm, panel discussion; 3 pm, awards & birthday cake. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW.
NOVEMBER 2, 10:30 am, free. Dr. Rick Hendricks, former NM state historian presents “A Deep Dive into the Segesser Hydes“, Sponsored by the Hispanic Genealogical Resource Center, National Hispanic Cultural Center. 1701 4th SW.
NOVEMBER 2, 10 am-4 pm, free. Scandinavian Festival, Immanuel Presbyterian Church, 114 Carlise SE. music, food, Swedish dancing at 11 am & 12:30 pm.
NOVEMBER 2, 11:30 am-2 pm, free. Salud y Sabor, Mexico and Dia de los Muertos. National Hispanic Cultural Center.
NOVEMBER 2, 12 noon – 5 pm, free. Dia de los Muertos with art, music, car show, La Rondalla performs. More details by calling 848-South Broadmay Cultural Center, 1025 Broadway SE.
NOVEMBER 2, 2 pm, free. Taos County Historical Society presents Cindy Atkins, Architecture of the Fechin Taos Art Museum. Kit Carson Electric Boardroom, 118 Cruz Alto Rd. Taos. www.
NOVEMBER 2, 2-3 pm, free. Feature films from PBS Colores at Special Collections Library. Laura Gilpin, the Enduring Photographer; Clinton Adams: No Regrets (Adams was a founding director of the UNM Tamarind Institute. Special Collections Library. Edith & Central NE.
NOVEMBER 2, 12-3 pm, free. Plaza at the Yards celebrates the opening of the new plaza at the historic Railyards, 1st St. SW. Ceremony at 1 pm.
NOVEMBER 2, 9 am-12 noon, free. Your New Favorite Fruit tree: the Jujuba Plant. Presented by Dr. Shengrui Yao. Farming Series at Gutierrez Hubbell House, 6029 Isleta SW. Bernalillo County Open Space.
NOVEMBER 2, 3 pm, free. Roger Zimmerman discusses his book A History Lovers Guide to Albuquerque. Book Works, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW.
NOVEMBER 2, 10:30 am-12 noon, free. ABQ Gen. Soc. Free genealogy workshop presented by Victoria Sullivan, “Choosing Genealogy Software”. Main Library, 2nd floor.
NOVEMBER SUNDAYS, Fall Family Fun Days, 12 noon-5 pm, Bachechi Open Space, 9521 Rio Grande NW at Alameda. November them is Birding. Learn about how birds fly and their bones, make a feeder. Sponsored by Bernalillo County.
NOVEMBER 2, 2 pm, free. Former state historian Robert Torrez speaks on Commerce and Trade along the Camino Real. Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and Arts. 251 Main st. at the water tower. 352-7720.
NOVEMBER 2/3 (repeats every Saturday and Sunday), 12 noon – 5 pm, free. Mundos de Mestizaje, tours of the colossal fresco mural about the Hispanic world in the Torreon at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. 1701 4th SW.
NOVEMBER 3, 8-10 am, free but RSVP to 897-8831. Bosque Wild Nature Walk, Open Space Vistor’s Center 6500 Coors NW.
NOVEMBER 3, 1-3 pm, free. Book signing and presentation. Treasure House books, 2012 S. Plaza St. on Old Town Plaza. Victory from the Shadows: Growing up in the NM School for the Blind. Gary & Elaine Montague. Montague shares his experiences as a boarding school student at the state school in Alamogordo.
NOVEMBER 3, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS ENDS. Fall back, turn clocks back one hour.
NOVEMBER 3, 11 AM, FREE. Tour of historic Fairview Cemetery, 700 Yale SE. Part of the Before I Die New Mexico Festival. More info at or
NOVEMBER 3, 1st Sunday always free admission to the National Hispanic Cultural Center Art Museum.
NOVEMBER 3 – First Sunday Free admission for NM Residents to the New Mexico Natural History Museum.
NOVEMBER 3, 2-4 pm, free. Who We are Together: NM Families Project. (several generations of seven NM families are tested for DNA and discuss their Lineage). Today is the Tafoya and Martinez families. Limited space so RSVP at National Hispanic Cultural Center, 1701 4th SW,
NOVEMBER 3, 11 am & repeats at 1 pm, free. (Museum admission also free on 1st Sunday). My Generation RX-safe Medication Practices for Life, Related to the Museum’s The Brain exhibit. NM Museum of Natural History & Science, 1801 Mountain Rd. NW.
NOVEMBER 3, 3-4 pm, free. Albuquerque Concert Band Concert. Eldorado HS Performing Art Center.
NOVEMBER 4, 6 pm, free. Radiation from Trinity: the first Dirty Bomb presented by Dr. Joseph Shonka. Shonka is an expert with radiation exposure to aircrew workers. Centennial Engineering Auditorium, UNM.
NOVEMBER 4, 2-5 pm, admission fee. Mineral Monday – experts from the ABQ Gem and Mineral Club will answer your questions. NM Natural History Museum.
NOVEMBER 5, ELECTION DAY, 7 am-7 pm –All APS schools closed because they are voting sites. Free transportation all day on ABQ Ride/City transit including Sun Van.
NOVEMBER 5, 1 PM, free. Architectural historian Chris Wilson leads an architecture tour of the UNM campus. Meet at Hodgin Hall. Part of the History of UNM series.
NOVEMBER 5, 6:30 pm, free but you must RSVP to Amanda Bassett, 272-500. Your Skin in the High Desert: School of Medicine Community Lecture Series. Simms Performing Arts center, Albuquerque Academy, 6400 Wyoming NE.
NOVEMBER 5, 10:30 am-2:30, Free. ABQ Genealogical Society Military Research Group. Main Library, 2nd floor. Call the library at 768-5141.
NOVEMBER 6, free. First Wednesday free admission all day at the ABQ Museum.
NOVEMBER 6, 12 noon, free. Kaemper Music Series – Melissa Montoya duo, Swing Magique Gypsy Jazz. First Methodist Church, 315 Coal SW, free parking, Call 239-4421 if you want a $5 box lunch.
NOVEMBER 6, 12 noon, free. Richard Miller speaks on Glorieta Pass and the plot to assassinate Col. John Slough. New Mexico History Museum, Santa Fe.
Cancelled in Nov. Happy Arte Hour. Meet friends and do a quick art project in a social environment. National Hispanic Cultural Contact Elena Baca, 246-2261.
CANCELED FOR NOVEMBER, free but $5 contribution to cover materials is appreciated. Vamos al Museo – art for children. National Hispanic Cultural Center. contact Elena Baca, 246-2261.
NOVEMBER 6, 6 pm, free. Magdalena Public Library, Former state historian Robert Torrez speaks on Voices from the Past-the NM Archives and over 300 years of documents. sponsored by the NM Humanities Council.<
NOVEMBER 7, 9:30-11 AM, $8 plus Museum admission (includes beverage, pastries & fruit) . It takes a Village: Community Reinforcement Approach to Substance Abuse & treatment. Presented by Ann Waldorf, Ph.D. Dept. of Psychiatry, UNM. NM Natural History Museum.
NOVEMBER 7, 3:30 pm, free. Frankie Flores presents LGBTQI and UNM. Waters Room at Zimmerman Library. Part of the History of UNM series.
NOVEMBER 7, 6 PM, free. Hispanic Artist Vincent Valdez speaks in the Wells Fargo Auditorium of the National Hispanic Cultural Center. Sponsored by the UNM Art Dept. as part of the Latinx art series. More info from
NOVEMBER 8, 6:30 pm, free. Book Reading & signing by Jaima Chevalier, “Fringe” A tribute to flamenco legend Maria Benitez. National Hispanic Cultural Center,
NOVEMBER TUESDAYS 5/12/19/26. Salsa classes for beginners, 6-7 pm and intermediates, 7-8 pm. More info from, 246-2261 X 34744. Pay what you can. National Hispanic Cultural Center.
NOVEMBER 9, 1-4 pm, free. Casa San Ysidro open for 2nd Saturday. 12 noon-3 pm, $10. Introduction to Homesteading at Casa San Ysidro – ancestral traditions and methods of farming in NM. More info from Aaron Gardner, 898-3915. Casa San Ysidro, Old Church Rd, Corrales. George Garcia speaks at 1 pm about Spain’s influence on the American Revolution.
NOVEMBER 9, 10:30 am-12 noon, free. Thea Haver speaks on the History of the Albuquerque Civic Auditorium, 1957-1985. Special Collections Library, 423 Central NE.
NOVEMBER 9, 1-9 pm, free. Cosmic Carnival and Star Party, exhibits from Explora, Natural History Museum. Star gazing begins at dark. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW. 897-8831, astronomical association.
NOVEMBER 9, 1 pm, $10. New Mexico DNA project, Tartessos, the 1st great civilization of Spain: A possible Celtic connection presented by Angel de Cervatntes. Covenant Presbyterian Church, 9315 Candelaria Rd. NE.
NOVEMBER 10, 2-4 pm, free. Veterans Day Open House. Belen Harvey House, 861-0581.
NOVEMBER 9/10 (repeats every Saturday and Sunday), 12 noon – 5 pm, free. Mundos de Mestizaje, tours of the colossal fresco mural about the Hispanic world in the Torreon at the National Hispanic Cultural Center.
NOVEMBER 10, 2 pm, free. The West’s 1st Gold Rush: the Old and New Placers: Gold, Silver, Copper Mining in the Ortiz & San Pedro Mountains presented by Paul Secord. East Mountains Historical Society. Old Tijeras church next to the East Mountain Branch Library on Rt. 66, Tijeras.
NOVEMBER 10, 2 pm, free. Sandoval County Historical Society presents Henrietta Martinez Christmas speaking on Genetic Genealogy and DNA. SCHS DeLavy building off Highway 550 just west of the River & IHOP in Bernalillo.
NOVEMBER 11, VETERANS DAY – APS and other school districts closed. Many museums closed.
NOVEMBER 11, 10:30 am-12 noon, free. Program to honor Veterans Day. NM Veterans Memorial, 1100 Louisiana SE. Call 256-2042 for more information.
NOVEMBER 11, 11:30 am, $5 for non members, buy your own lunch. Eddie Hughes, a Dallas Morning News reporter from 1958-1965 speaks about his coverage of the assassination of JFK and the burial of Lee Harvey Oswald. Albuquerque Press Women and Friends presents, Mimi’s Cafe on 4316 The 25 Way.
NOVEMBER 11, 1:30-3:30 pm, free for all veterans, admission fee to others. Includes color guard entry and Kiowa (warrior) gourd dance. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
NOVEMBER 12, 3-3:30 ceremony, 3:30-5 pm, tours, free. Congregation B’nai Israel, 4401 Indian School Rd. NE. Named to National Register of Historic Places.
NOVEMBER 12, 6:30 pm, $5 donation from non-members. Corrugated Pottery from Past to Present presented by Genevieve Woodhead, UNM Ph.D candidate. Friends of Tijeras Pueblo, Sandia Ranger Station in Tijeras Canyon. More info at
NOVEMBER 12, 2-4 & 6-8 PM, free. Pueblo Book Club with books about Native Americans or written by Native Americans. Tribes & Tribulations by Laurence Hauptman. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
NOVEMBER 12, 7 pm, free. Jeffrey Boutwell speaks on Joseph Rotblat-A Singular Figure in 20th Century Nuclear Politics. (He was the only scientist to voluntarily resign from the Manhatten Project in 1944). Los Alamos Fuller Lodge, 2132 Central in Los Alamos.
NOVEMBER 13, 7 pm, free (tickets available at 6 pm) Musica del Corazon presents Lone Pinon, Frank McCulloch, Cipriana Vigil, Bayou Seco, National Hispanic Cultural Center. Part of the John Donald Robb Music Trust program. More info at
NOVEMBER 13, 12 noon, free (bring your lunch). Richard Clark, Director of Bernalillo County Emergency Management and County Treasurer Nancy Bearce speak. McKinley Recreation Center., 3401 Monroe NE, east of McKinley Mid School. Speaker series Sponsored by Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins.
NOVEMBER 13, 12 noon, free. Rob Martinez, NM State Historian describes Journey through New Mexico’s Rich Hispanic Music Heritage Bring your lunch. Yucca Room of the State Records and Archives, 1205 Camino Carlos Rey, just east of Cerrillos Rd. 505-476-9782. Santa Fe.
NOVEMBER 13, 10:30 am, free. ABQ Genealogical Society presents Michael Dietz speaking on Honoring our Veterans. Emphasis on research of Revelutionary War, War of 1812 and Civil War. Main library, lower level.
NOVEMBER 14, 3:30 pm, free. African-Americans and UNM presented by Alfred Mathewson, Dean Emeritus of the UNM Law School. Program at the Waters Room of UNM Zimmerman Library. Part of the History of UNM series.
NOVEMBER 14, 6-8 PM, FREE. 400 Years (1619-2019) Knowing our African American past and creating our Future. A panel discussion at the NM Humanities Council, 4108 Silver SE.
NOVEMBER 14, 7 pm, free. Showing of the PBS film The Musical Adventures of John Donald Robb. National Hispanic Cultural Center. More info at<
NOVEMBER 14, 7:30 pm, free. Journal of Anthropological Research Distinguished Lecture. When Rains Stop: Climate Change & Cahokia’s Water Shrines by Timothy Paulketat. UNM Anthropology Building #163. Sponsored by Maxwell Museum.
NOVEMBER 15, 12 noon, free. New Materialisms and Ancient Urbanisms – Where do we Go from Here? – View from Cahokia. by Timothy Paulketat. UNM Anthropology Building #248. More info at
NOVEMBER 15, 9:30 am-12 noon, free. Colcha embroidery stitch along, bring your project or just come watch. Contact or call 246-2261. National Hispanic Cultural Center, 1701 Bridge SW,
NOVEMBER 15, 5-7 pm, free. Rug Auction preview and Native American jewelry sale. Appraisals on Native jewelry for $10. Contact Maxwell Museum. More info at
NOVEMBER 16, Navajo Rug Auction, free. 11am view rugs, 1 pm auction. Prarie Star restaurant in Bernalillo. More than 200 rugs for sale with proceeds to benefit the Maxwell Museum.
NOVEMBER 16, 9-5 pm, free. Return of the Sandhill Cranes. Activities for kids, music, presentations. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW. More details at Kent Swanson,, 897-8831.
NOVEMBER 16, 10 am-11:30 am, free. Yung Sung Cheng speaks on the Evolution and Influence of the Chinese Language. Chinese American Speaker Series. North Domingo Baca Community Center, 7521 Carmel NE at Wyoming. More information by calling Fay Yao at 934-3941.
NOVEMBER 16, 7 pm, free. There must be other names for the River. Original sound art representing the flow of the Rio Grande. National Hispanic Cultural Center.
NOVEMBER 16/17. Mundos de Mestizaje, tours of the colossal fresco mural about the Hispanic world in the Torreon at the National Hispanic Cultural Center.
NOVEMBER 17 , 2 pm, free but limited seating so come early to guarantee a seat. Roger Zimmerman presents “A History Lover’s Guide to Albuquerque” sponsored by the Albuquerque Historical Society. Albuquerque Museum. Free parking south of the Museum; Free admission to the Museum and the program.
NOVEMBER 19, 2 pm, free. Tour of the Interprofessional Healthcare Simulation Center at UNM Med School, Domenici North Wing Building 200-C. Part of the History of UNM series.
NOVEMBER 20, 6-9 pm, $40 (inc. drink ticket). Inspired by Nature: Sifting through Sand and Time presented by Larry Crumpler, resident curator of Volcanology and Space Science. Followed by a walk on the NASA Moon map. Program includes making a work of art. NM Museum of Natural History, Mountain Rd. NW.
NOVEMBER 20, 5:30-7 pm, free. Counter Narrative Restoration & Resilience: Reclaiming Cultural Ecosystems, panel discussion. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
NOVEMBER 20-23, Bosque del Apache south of Socorro Festival of Cranes. www.fws/gov/nwrs/three columns for more info.
NOVEMBER 21, 2-4 pm, free. Hardship, Greed & Sorrow: An Officer’s Photo Album of 1866 New Mexico Territory presented by Devorah Romanek, photo archivist. NM History Museum. More info at
NOVEMBER 21, 5-8 pm, free. Third Thursday at the ABQ Museum. Celebrating the opening of the Jim Henson Exhibition: Imagination Unlimited. Screening of Dark Chrystal. Music, food and beverages for sale. ABQ Museum.
NOVEMBER 23, 9 am-5 pm, special free admission to Museum but $5 surcharge for Jim Henson exhibit. Jim Henson: Imagination Unlimited. 1 pm Cherl Henson, daughter of Jim Henson discusses his contribution to the art of puppetry.
NOVEMBER 23, 2 pm, free. Wells Park Neighborhood Project, an oral history. Special Collections Library. Main Library also has display of photographs of the Wells Park Neighborhood.
NOVEMBER 23, 9 am-4 pm, free. Pueblo Fiber Arts Show & Sale, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
NOVEMBER 23, 11 am-12 noon. free. Tour of the Special Collections Library.
NOVEMBER 24, 2 pm, free. Lesley Poling Kempes presents Ladies of the Canyons. Corrales Historical Society. Old orrales Church. www.corraleshistory.
NOVEMBER 23/24 (repeats every Saturday and Sunday), 12 noon – 5 pm, free. Mundos de Mestizaje, tours of the colossal fresco mural about the Hispanic world in the torreon at the National Hispanic Cultural Center.
NOVEMBER 27, 10 am-12 noon, free but you must create an account with the city: then choose the date to register. Family Nature Walk, Open space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW, More information from Reid at 897-8859.
NOVEMBER 30, 5 pm, Belen Holiday Parade on Main St. and opening of the Bugg Lights Museum, 513 Becker St. Open Sun, Tues., Wed, Thursday from 5-8 pm; Sat/Sun 5-9 pm.
NOVEMBER 30, 5-8 pm, free. Harvey House Lights. Christmas light display every Friday through Sunday night from 5-8 pm. Belen Harvey House Museum, 104 N. 1st St., Belen.
NOVEMBER 30, 3-7 pm, free. Winterfest on Civic Plaza, includes vendors, opening of the Ice Skating Rink, Santa Claus. Call 311 for more info.
NOVEMBER 30, staggered entry times from 5-8:30 pm, $18 adults, $10.50 youth. Light among the Ruins at Jemez Historic Site. Shuttles from Jemez Springs to the Historic Site. More info at https://emnrd.state.nm.
The Wheels Museum is located in the Barelas steam locomotive repair shops at 1100 2nd St. SW. It is open for small group tours but you must call Leba Freed at 243-6269 to schedule a tour. The Museum showcases the history of area transportation including rail, Route 66, and Camino Real. It has photos and archives of men who worked in the Barelas facility.
Articles about New Mexico people, places & events. READ OVER 100 ISSUES OF LA CRONICA, the publication of the Historical Society of New Mexico. https://ejournals.unm.
OASIS PROGRAMS – Call 884-4529 to register and for more information. Must be age 55 and up. Location at American Square Shopping Center, 3301 Menaul Blvd. NE, Suite 18 (near Menaul & Carlisle) Fe
OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING, $20 Annual Registration Fee. Each class has a fee. More classes in the catalog. Call 277-0077 to register or on line at
NEW MEXICO DIGITAL NEWSPAPERS Over 200,000 pages of historical state newspapers have been digitized and may be viewed. http://elibrary.unm.ed
WEBSITE SPOTLIGHT website about NM history & culture.
Unser Racing Museum www.unserracingmuseum.o
NM Veterans Memorial (Albuquerque) www.nmv
1100 Lousiana NE, 256-2042. The Memorial is dedicated to the men and women who gave their youth, hopes and dreams in the name of freedom. The website includes a section on nine periods of military history and how it affected those living in NM. Go to the events section and click on History of NM Vets.
NM Genealogical Society, Main Library,
Holocaust & Intolerance Museum, 616 Central SW.
UNM Zimmerman Library Center for Southwest Research
Contact CSWR –
Albuquerque Museum of Art & History –
Focus on youth high school photography and Film exhibit. photo exhibit Everyday People-photos of people in Albuquerque in the 1940s & 50s.
Opening of A Past Rediscovered. NM History Museum.
Maxwell Museum of Anthropology at UNM. Opening of the exhibit “The Last Supper” calling attention to the negative effects of contemporary diets and diabetes on native nations.
Belen Harvey House, 104 North 1st St. 861-0581. open Tuesday – Saturday 12:30-3:30 pm, Closed Sunday & Monday.
The Struggle for Human Dignity, Social Justice and Civil Rights in NM, ten panels from the African-American Museum & Cultural Center. Displayed at the Holocaust Museum, 616 Central SW.
Gutierrez Hubbell House, 6029 Isleta SW. 244-0507, www.
Los Lunas Museum of Heritage & Arts. Call 352-7720 for more information.
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, 2401 12th St. NW –
Opening of exhibit Zia Sun – different ways the symbol has been used on merchandise and its impact on Zia Pueblo, 40th anniversary exhibit “We are of this Place: the Pueblo Story”.
National Hispanic Cultural Center, 4th & Bridge NW. 1701 4th SW, 246-2261,
National Museum of Nuclear Science & History – 601 Eubank SE, 245-2137, www.nuclearmuseum.
NM Humanities Council Office, 4115 Silver SE.
Santa Fe Museum of Indian Arts –Turquoise Water Sky: the stone and its Meaning. www.indianartsandcult
New Mexico History Museum – The Land that Enchants Me, picturing sheet music covers 1840-1960 with NM themes. The Great War, The Fred Harvey Company and Its Legacy, 47 Stars; Santa Fe Found: Fragments of Time; Telling NM Stories,Then & Now.
UNM CONTINUING EDUCATION & OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE Maralie BeLonge, 277-6179, program supervisor for Osher. For course info go to or call 277-0077. UNM CE & Osher provide travel, lectures and classes. Osher requires a $20 membership fee. Go to for course descriptions.
New Mexico Historic Preservation Division, NM Cultural Affairs Dept. www.nmhistoricpreservati
Placitas Public Library, 453 Hy 165, 5 miles east of the I-25 exit., 867-3355.
SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARY LOCAL HISTORY & ARCHIVES 423 Central SE, 848-1377. Come see the beautifully renovated library and browse through many one of a kind books about Albuquerque. Open Tuesday – Sat. 9am-6pm.
MENAUL HISTORICAL LIBRARY OF THE SOUTHWEST, 301 Menaul NE on campus of Menaul School. View artifacts of 100 year old Menaul School and archives of Presbyterian Church history of NM & Southwest. www.menaulhistorica
NATIONAL HISPANIC CULTURAL CENTER highlights of dance, film, workshops, music, theatre and exhibits. 1701 4TH ST. SW, 246-2261.
Celebrating New Mexico Statehood site, nmstatehood.un
Celebrating New Mexico Statehood provides access to materials about New Mexico’s history and culture. Designed to facilitate research about New Mexico’s past, cultural heritage materials from 12 New Mexico institutions are available here for study and research. Materials include photographs, documents, maps, posters, art, music and video. Managed by the University of New Mexico, University Libraries and funded by UNM’s Center for Regional Studies, this project is intended to help all New Mexicans learn about and appreciate our past. Enjoy!
The 12 institutions participating in the Celebrating New Mexico site are:
- The Albuquerque Museum
- Farmington Museum
- Hubbard Museum of the American West
- Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
- National Hispanic Cultural Center
- New Mexico History Museum, Chavez History Library
- New Mexico History Museum, Photo Archives
- New Mexico State University Library
- Roswell Museum and Art Center
- Silver City Museum
- University of New Mexico, Art Museum
- University of New Mexico, Center for Southwest Research
1910 New Mexico Constitution www.newmexicohist
This is from the State Historian’s office and it deals specifically with the 1910 New Mexico Constitution. It has photos & bios of all the delegates to the 1910 constitutional convention along with the text of the 1910 constitution, the 2012 amended NM constitution and an essay by the Legislative Council Services describing all the changes to the Constitution over the last 100 years. There is also info on president Taft and much more.
The ABQ Public Library has a huge web site devoted to the Centennial and NM History. There are links to all sorts of material.
Visit the web sites of the Albuquerque Historical Society,, to see the free Centennial Teachers Resource Guide. The Guide has four sections on New Mexico History and 4th & 7th grade lesson plans. The sections are:
- New Mexico’s Long Road to Statehood
- New Mexico’s County Courthouses
- The Boundaries of New Mexico
- New Mexico’s Governors since 1912
Compiled as a volunteer effort by Janet Saiers.-