February 2017 History Opportunities



Encourage your participation in the following history & cultural events:

FEBRUARY 19 —  NORTH VALLEY HISTORY: THE MATTHEW DAIRY IN ALBUQUERQUE:  presented by AHS member Bob Smith. He will explain the beginnings of the dairy in  the1890s and its evolution over time.  Albuquerque Historical Society, Albuquerque Museum, Free parking south of the Museum, free admission to Museum and the program. www.albuqhistsoc.org.

FREE SATURDAY WALKING TOURS OF DOWNTOWN CENTRAL AVE Meet at 1st & Central SW at 10 am by Tucano’s Restaurant. Downtown metered parking not monitored on Saturdays. Call 289-0586 to leave a message or reserve for a group more than five. Sponsored by the ABQ Historical Society & Historic ABQ.  www.albuqhistsoc.org.

BLACK HISTORY MONTH – numerous free and ticketed activities occurring all month.  Details at  www.nmblackhistorymonth.com/events.


Articles about New Mexico people, places & events. READ OVER 100 ISSUES OF LA CRONICA, the publication of the Historical Society of New Mexico. https://ejournals.unm.edu/index.php/lacronica.

NATIVE AMERICAN DANCERS, Every Saturday / Sunday-12 noon. Admission fee. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.

FEBRUARY  SATURDAYS 4, 11, 18, 25, 1-2 pm, admission fee.  Tour of the Art Museum,  National Hispanic Cultural Center.

FEBRUARY MONDAYS, 1:30-2:30 PM. Admission fee. Tour the NM Natural History Museum.

Listen to the music of  northern New Mexico-view lyrics in both Spanish and English. Learn about the Robb Musical Trust, www.robbtrust.org. (recordings of some 3,000 folk music and Native American chants)

Free admission every Sunday 9 am-1 pm. Albuquerque Museum in Old Town.

FEBRUARY Wednesdays, either 9:30-10:15 am or 11-11:45 am, free. “Stories in the Sky” Preschool program includes songs, crafts, stories. Balloon Museum. www.balloonmuseum.org. 9201 Balloon Museum Dr. NE.

FEBRUARY 2, 2-3:30 pm, free. Dr. Mary Quinn, UNM Professor of Spanish and Portuguese describes the 1st Zarzuela ever written in 1658, Musicology Colloquium Series. Waters Room in UNM Zimmerman Library.

FEBRUARY 3, first Friday free admission to the NM History Museum in Santa Fe. www.nmhistorymuseum.org.

FEBRUARY 3, 5:30-9 pm, $5 admission First Friday Be the Dinosaur !, admission to Dyna Theater just $5. information tables, activities, Museum tours. Food truck available with $5 specials. First Friday Fractals at 6 and 7 pm; Fractals Rock at 8 and 9 pm. NM Natural History Museum, 1801 Mountain Rd. NW in Old Town,www.nmnaturalhistory.org.

FEBRUARY 3, 12 noon – 1 pm, free. National Wear Red Day rally to prevent heart disease and stroke. Civic Plaza downtown. More info, Savanna.Bridgwater@heart.org or call 505-483-1332.

FEBRUARY 3, 2-3:30 pm, $12. Poet Hakim Bellamy speaks at Oasis.See contact info below.

FEBRUARY 3, 6-8 pm, free. Opening of the new exhibit “Recording Southern New Mexico: Botanical Drawings of Edward Skeats” (plant life near Carlsbad, NM) UNM Art Museum.

FEBRUARY 4, admission fee. Opening of “Critical Assembly, the Secrets of Los Alamos 1944″ an installation by American sculptor Jim Sanborn. Step back in time to experience pure science through art … the recreation of the super secrets from the Manhattan Project’s atomic bomb. Nuclear Museum, 601 Eubank SE, 245-2137, info@nuclearmuseum.org.

FEBRUARY 4, 10:30 am, free.  Assistant State historian Rob Martinez speaks on “Sacramental Lives of Indios, Castas and Espanoles in the Indies” sponsored by the Hispanic Genealogical Research Center. www.hgrc-nm.org. Special Collections Library, Edith & Central NE.

FEBRUARY 4, 2 pm, free. The Truth behind Area 51 in Nevada and Dulce, NM by Norio Hayakawa. Placitas Library, 867-3355.

FEBRUARY 4, 10:30 am-12 noon, free but RSVP to 246-2261 X 167. Family friendly, tour the Museum then make Valentines with renowned artist Nick Abdalla. National Hispanic Cultural Center. www.nhccnm.org.

FEBRUARY 5, 9-10:30 am, free but RSVP. Bosque Wild two mile hike. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW. RSVP with Kent Swanson, 897-8831.

FEBRUARY 5 , first Sunday for all NM residents, free admission to the NM Natural History Museum. 1801 Mountain Rd. NW. www.nmnaturalhistory.org.

FEBRUARY 7, 12 noon, free. Concluding lecture of the Rt. 66 Series, “The Hispanic Legacy of Rt. 66 in the American Southwest”, by Lena Buidi from the National Park Service. Waters Room, UNM Zimmerman Library.

FEBRUARY 7, 5-6:30 pm, free. Opening of exhibit “Lawyers without Rights: Jewish Lawyers in Germany under the 3rd Reich”. Exhibit has been shown in some 100 US cities and around the world. UNM Law School. Continues until Mar. 11.

FEBRUARY 7, all day. Election for APS & CNM.

FEBRUARY 7, 14, 21, 28, $5-$10 per class. Cuban salsa dance class, 6-7 pm beginner & intermediate; 7-8 pm intermediate & advanced., 2 – 4 pm, National Hispanic Cultural Center, www.nhccnm.org.

FEBRUARY 9, 11:45, $18. League of Women Voters monthly luncheon featuring City Council President Isaac Benton. MGM Elegante Hotel on Menaul NE. RSVP at 884-8441 by Feb. 6.

FEBRUARY 10, 12 noon, free. Mekenna Mirena presents “Recording Family History with the Story Corps App“. Cherry Hills Library, 6901 Barstow NE.

FEBRUARY 10, 6:30-11:30, $15. Dancing and the Dinosaurs– early Valentine’s dance. NM Natural History Museum.

FEBRUARY 10, 5-7 pm, free. Opening of the art exhibit “Mask de Arte” at the Placitas Library. In honor of Mardi Gras, numerous Placitas area artists have created masks from various materials. www.placitaslibrary.org  867-3355, 453 Highway 165, 5 miles east of the I-25 exit.

FEBRUARY 10, all day. admission fee. “Opals from around the World”. 2pm program by gemologist Katherine Jetter. short talks, demonstrations, displays. Talk with gemologists. NM Natural History Museum.www.naturalhistory.org.

FEBRUARY 11,  2pm, free. Mary Ann Montoya speaks on Ghost Workers in the Carrot Fields, Cibola County Historical Society, Double Sixt Gallery, 1001 W. Santa Fe Ave., Grants, NM. www.cibolahistory.org.

FEBRUARY 11, 10-11:30am, free but limited seating, RSVP. Recycled Art Valentine Card Workshop. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW, RSVP with Kent Swanson, 897-8831. www.cabq.gov/openspace.

FEBRUARY 11, 5-7 pm, free. Fire, Stones, Brilliance and Love: A conversation with Female Jewelers. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. 2401 12th Street NW,www.indianpueblo.org.

FEBRUARY 11, 1-4 pm, free. Founders Day at Casa San Ysidro, 973 Old Church Rd. in Corrales. Interviews of founders and other films describing the history of Casa San Ysidro, a unique Spanish-Colonial gem. www.cabq.gov/casasanysidro.org

FEBRUARY 11, 10:30 – 12 noon, free.  Program on  “All You can Lose is Your Heart ” presented by photographer KayLynn Deveney. Describes the American storybook ranch homes and specific homes in Albuquerque’s Princess Jeanne and Bellehaven neighborhoods. Special Collections Branch, 423 Central NE,  848-1376.

FEBRUARY 11, 10 am-12 noon, $10. Cabin Fever Coloring Workshop – bring  your own coloring book and colored pencil sets. Sign up with Pat harris, patparhar@comcast.net. sponsored by Coronado Historic Site.

FEBRUARY 12, 10 AM, $12, non-members. “Around the World in 22 years: How did Gordon Bronitsky get there from Here??” www.indigeNOW.com. Congregation Albert Brunch, 3800 Louisiana NE. RSVP at 883-1818 X 3203. More info from Jeff Paul 259-3190, or jbartonp@comcast.net.

FEBRUARY 12, 2-4:30 PM,  $15. Concert by de Profundis men’s a capella choir at 2:30 pm. Fundraiser for the Manzano Mountain Art Council Art Center, An Afternoon of Sweets & Songs. Mountainair.

FEBRUARY 12, 3-5 pm, free but RSVP required. In celebration of Black History Month, enjoy live performances, visual art and hands-on art,    High Tea on the Bosque. Bachechi Open Space, 9521 Rio Grande NW, contact Collene Langan, 314-0398, www.bernco.gov/openspace.

FEBRUARY 12, 2 pm, free. Billie Holiday: Singing the Blues presented by Brenda Hollingsworth Marley as part of Black History Month. Kimo Theatre. Supported by the NM Humanities Council, more info at www.nmhum.org.

FEBRUARY 13, 11:30 am, buy your own lunch. Caroline Little, recently retired president of the Newspaper Association of America discusses the future of newspapers in light of new controversies facing journalists. Golden Corral meeting room, 5207 San Mateo NE. Albuquerque Press Women & Friends. $5 fee if not member of Press Women.

FEBRUARY 14, 6:30 pm, $5 donation suggested. Dr. Hayward Franklin presents The Pueblitos of the Sandia Mountains as retreats from Stress and Persecution. Sandia Ranger Station in Tijeras. Sponsored by the Friends of Tijeras Pueblo.

FEBRUARY 14,  2-4 pm or 6-8 pm, free. A book club discussing Native American topics or books by Native Americans.  This month is Winter of the Metal People (Tiguex War of 1540-42)  by Dennis Herrick. Food may be ordered from the café. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. www.indianpueblo.org.  bookclub@indianpueblo.org.

FEBRUARY 15, 12 noon, free. Barry Bitzer from the BioPark Society describes new exhibits at the Rio Grande Zoo. McKinley Community Center 3401 Monroe NE just east of McKinley Mid School. Sponsored by County Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins. Brown bag lunch bring your own.

FEBRUARY 16, 5-8:30 pm, free.Third Thursday: Klezmer and Knishes – a celebration of Jewish culture through food, music and art related to the exhibit Jews in 20th Century Albuquerque. Albuquerque Museum.

FEBRUARY 16, 5:30-7:30 pm, free Salud y Sabor, cooking demos, art & entertainment. National Hispanic Cultural Center. www.nhccnm.org.

FEBRUARY 17, 7 pm, $6. The Sun, the Moon and Chaco Canyon: Recent findings by the Solstice Project. Introduction by Paul Pino from Laguna, Presentors Anna Sofaer and Robert Weiner explore Chaco’s complex solar and lunar astronomy including evidence of Chaco’s relationship with Mesoamerican cultures Buy tickets early, a capacity attendance is expected. More info on the website. www.nmnaturalhistory.org.

FEBRUARY 17, 9:30 am-12 noon, free. Colcha Community  Stitch-Along. Bring your colcha embroidery project. National Hispanic Cultural Center, 4th & Bridge SW.www.nhccnm.org. Call 246-2261 X 189.

FEBRUARY 18, 1-2:30 pm, free with Museum admission. Opera Southwest (with real opera singers) presents Puccini & Popcorn. Albuquerque Museum. Call 243-0591 for more info.

FEBRUARY 18, 2 pm, free. Historian John Taylor speaks about The Civil War in New Mexico along with the opening of the Civil War exhibit. Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and Arts. 352-7720,  251 Main Street at the Water Tower.

FEBRUARY 18, 2 pm, free. Estavan the Black: Journey into the Unknown presented by Edward Wallace as part of Black History Month. Cerrillos Hills State Park. Call 474-0196 for more information

FEBRUARY 18, 2 pm, free. La Canoa Nuevomexican Childrens Literature: Bilingual & Bicultural. Panel discussion includes Enrique la Madrid, Gabriel Melendez, Michael Trujillo. National Hispanic Cultural Center. www.nhccnm.org

FEBRUARY 18,  10 am, $15. Tour of historic Los Poblanos Inn & Property. 4803 Rio Grande Blvd. NW. 344-9297.

FEBRUARY 19 , 2 pm, free-includes free parking and free admission to the Museum. North Valley History: The Matthew Dairy presented by Bob Smith. Albuquerque Historical Society, Albuquerque Museum in Old Town. albuqhistsoc.org/programs.

FEBRUARY 19, 2 pm, free for Coronado Historic Site members, $5 others. Dr. Eric Blinman, director of the NM Office of Archaeological Studies presents Large-Scale Language Models of Puebloan Prehistory. Sandoval County Historical Society DeLavy House, off 550 turn at I-Hop just west of Coronado Historic site, 771-9493 www.kuaua.com.

FEBRUARY 19, 2 pm, free. Brenda Hollingsworth-Marley presents “Footsteps to Feedom”. Chautauqua of Coretta Scott King and Rosa Parks. Corrales Historical Society, co-sponsored by the NM Humanities Council. Old Church in Corrales. www.corraleshistory.org.

FEBRUARY 19. 10 am, free but RSVP. Gifts for Nature: Make Bird Seed hearts. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW. Contact Kent Swanson , kswanson@cabq.gov.

FEBRUARY 20, observance of President’s Day holiday. Check local media for more information.

FEBRUARY 23, 7:30 pm, free. Dr. Augustin Fuentes presents the Anthropoloigcal Research Lecture  “How Humans and Apes are Different and Why it Matters”.Anthropology Lecture hall 163, Info at 277-4405. Maxwell Museum at UNM. www.maxwellmuseum.edu.

FEBRUARY 23, 1:30 pm, free. Brenda Hollingsworth-Marley presents Lena Horne as part of Black History Month. Meadowlark Senior Center in Rio Rancho.

FEBRUARY 23, 5:30-6:30 pm, free. Printing Press Demonstration. Special Collections Library.

FEBRUARY 23, 5:30 register, 6 pm program, free. UNM Alumni and National Book award winner Mark Doty speaks for the Lobo Living Room at the UNM Continuing Ed center. Info at 277-5808 or alumni@unm.edu.

FEBRUARY 24, 12 noon, free. Seminar ” Human Niche, Human Behavior, Human Nature”, Dr. Augustin Fuentes. Anthropology Seminar Room 248. Call 277-4405 for more info. Maxwell Museum at UNM. www.maxwellmuseum.unm.edu

FEBRUARY 25-26, Civil War Reenactment-Battle of Valverde (ok for kids), authentic costumes, on-site demos and programs; Victorian tea & fashion show; military ball. All in Escondida and historic Garcia Opera House in Socorro. Children welcome. All details at http://socorro-reenactment.com/

FEBRUARY 25, 10 am program & Q & A, Dr. Chu Jong presents “On Guart !! Cyber Security and information Privacy”    Sponsored by the Chinese American Speaker Series, North Domingo Baca Community Center at 7521 Carmel NE Wyoming at Paseo del Norte. Followed by complimentary lunch (donations accepted.) More information by calling Fay Yao at 934-3941

FEBRUARY 25, 1-3 PM, free. Opening of Hollywood Southwest: New MeXico in Film  Albuquerque Museum.

FEBRUARY 25, 2-5 pm, free with admission. “Consumed by Design: Exhibit opening” with Maria Allison (Laguna Pueblo) Indian Pueblo Cultural Center

FEBRUARY 25, 9-10:30 am, free. Rose Talk by the ABQ Rose Society. Bachechi Open Space. www.bernco.gov.

FEBRUARY 25, 1-2 pm, free but RSVP. A talk on Gila Monsters and in person ! by Jerry Tuttle. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW. Call 897-8831 or Email Kent Swanson, kswanson@cabq.gov to reserve space.

FEBRUARY 26, 2 pm, free but donation of $10 encouraged. Visiting scholar Assistant NM Historian Rob Martinez “Days and Nights in Havana: Conducting Archival Research in Search of Jewish Communities in Cuba.” Jewish Community Center, 5520 Wyoming NE. admin@nmjhs.com 348-4471. Desserts also for sale.

FEBRUARY 26, 1-3 pm, free but RSVP required. Mindfulness in Nature presented by Mollie Parsons. Bachechi Open Space, 9521 Rio Grande Blvd. NW at Alameda Bridge. www.bernco.gov.openspace or call Colleen Langan at 314-0398.

FEBRUARY 26, 1-2:30 pm, free. Traditional Music: Roots of NM Culture by Frank Chavez. Guiterrez Hubbell House, 6029 Isleta SW. www.guiterrezhubbellhouse.org.

 FEBRUARY 28, 10:30am-3 pm, free. ABQ Genealogical society research day. Main Library 2nd floor. Pat Eker 345-9161 or Lynda 898-5592.

UNM Continuing Education

Call 277-0077 to register and for more information 277-0563. www.dce.unm.edu. Fees for out of town field trips cover transportation. UNM Continuing Ed booklets with more detail available at all library branches.


Call 884-4529 to register and for more information. Must be age 55 and up. Location at American Square Shopping Center, 3301 Menaul Blvd. NE, Suite 18 (near Menaul & Carlisle) www.oasisabq.org. Fees vary.


$20 Annual Registration Fee. Each class has a fee. More classes in the catalog. Call 277-0077 to register or on line at ce.unm.edu/Osher.

Museum of Albuquerque Admission  www.cabq.gov/museum  505 243-7255

BOOKWORKS PROGRAMS WITH LOCAL & STATE AUTHORS, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW,  www.bkwrks.com.

NEW OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN ALBUQUERQUE HISTORY View the scrapbooks of the ABQ City Clerk dated from 1922-1974. The books have been copied and reside at the ABQ Special Collections Library, 423 Central NE. Check at the main desk.

NEW MEXICO DIGITAL NEWSPAPERS Over 200,000 pages of historical state newspapers have been digitized and may be viewed. http://elibrary.unm.edu/cswr/newspapers.php.k.

Website Spotlight

anapachecosantafe.com website about NM history & culture.

Unser Racing Museum www.unserracingmuseum.org

NM Veterans Memorial (Albuquerque) www.nmvetsmemorial.org
1100 Lousiana NE, 256-2042. The Memorial is dedicated to the men and women who gave their youth, hopes and dreams in the name of freedom. The website includes a section on nine periods of military history and how it affected those living in NM. Go the the events section and click on History of NM Vets.


NM Genealogical Society, Main Library, nmgs.org/index.php.


Albuquerque Museum of Art & History.

Carved Line: Block Printmaking in New Mexico. Albuquerque Museum.

Jews of Albuquerque in the 20th Century; Only in Albuquerque. www.cabq.gov/museum.

Maxwell Museum of Anthropology at UNM. Chinese Americans in New Mexico, Earth, Fire, Life – Six Thousand Years of Chinese Ceramics   maxwellmuseum.unm.edu. 277-4405, 277-1400.

Belen Harvey House, 104 North 1st St. 861-0581. open Tuesday – Saturday 12:30-3:30 pm, Closed Sunday & Monday.

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, 2401 12th St. NW –   www.indianpueblo.org. Brand new 40th anniversary exhibit “We are of this Place: the Pueblo Story”.

National Hispanic Cultural Center  Fantasia Fantastica art exhibit, A Life of Service: The Mari-Luci Jaramillo Collection; The Art of Acquisition New, New Mexico Works, Cervantes & Don Quixote, 4th & Bridge NW. www.nhccnm.org.

National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Santa Fe Museum of Indian Arts Exhibit –Turquoise Water Sky: the stone and its Meaning.www.indianartsandculture.org. 476-1250

New Mexico History Museum – Lowriders, Hoppers, and Hot Rods: Car Culture of Northern NM; The Fred Harvey Company and Its Legacy, 47 Stars; Santa Fe Found: Fragments of Time; Telling NM Stories,Then & Now.

NEW MEXICO HISTORY EDUCATION RESOURCE NOW AVAILABLE: ADVENTURE, ADVERSITY & OPPORTUNITY: OUR JEWISH PIONEER HISTORY IN NEW MEXICO, Education materials including middle school level lesson plans my be downloaded from the website of the NM Jewish Historical Society, www.nmjhs.org $10 donation requested but not mandatory.

UNM CONTINUING EDUCATION & OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE Maralie BeLonge, 277-6179, program supervisor for Osher. For course info go to dce.unm.edu/culture or call 277-0077. UNM CE & Osher provide travel, lectures and classes. Osher requires a $20 membership fee. Go todce.unm.edu/osher for course descriptions.

New Mexico Historic Preservation Division, NM Cultural Affairs Dept. www.nmhistoricpreservation.org.

Placitas Public Library, 453 Hy 165, 5 miles east of the I-25 exit. www.placitaslibrary.com, 867-3355.



SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARY LOCAL HISTORY & ARCHIVES 423 Central SE, branch manager Eileen O’Connell, 848-1377. Come see the beautifully renovated library and browse through many one of a kind books about Albuquerque. Open Tuesday – Sat. 9am-6pm.

MENAUL HISTORICAL LIBRARY OF THE SOUTHWEST, 301 Menaul NE on campus of Menaul School. View artifacts of 100 year old Menaul School and archives of Presbyterian Church history of NM & Southwest. www.menaulhistoricallibrary.org. Contact 343-7480 or archives@menaulhistoricallibrary.org.

VISIT THE WEBSITE OF THE NATIONAL HISPANIC CULTURAL CENTER DECEMBER highlights of dance, film, workshops, music, theatre and exhibits. www.nhccnm.org. 1701 4TH ST. SW, 246-2261.



Celebrating New Mexico Statehood site, nmstatehood.unm.edu/
Celebrating New Mexico Statehood provides access to materials about New Mexico’s history and culture. Designed to facilitate research about New Mexico’s past, cultural heritage materials from 12 New Mexico institutions are available here for study and research. Materials include photographs, documents, maps, posters, art, music and video. Managed by the University of New Mexico, University Libraries and funded by UNM’s Center for Regional Studies, this project is intended to help all New Mexicans learn about and appreciate our past. Enjoy!

The 12 institutions participating in the Celebrating New Mexico site are:

  • The Albuquerque Museum
  • Farmington Museum
  • Hubbard Museum of the American West
  • Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
  • National Hispanic Cultural Center
  • New Mexico History Museum, Chavez History Library
  • New Mexico History Museum, Photo Archives
  • New Mexico State University Library
  • Roswell Museum and Art Center
  • Silver City Museum
  • University of New Mexico, Art Museum
  • University of New Mexico, Center for Southwest Research

1910 New Mexico Constitution www.newmexicohistory.org/centennial.
This is from the State Historian’s office and it deals specifically with the 1910 New Mexico Constitution. It has photos & bios of all the delegates to the 1910 constitutional convention along with the text of the 1910 constitution, the 2012 amended NM constitution and an essay by the Legislative Council Services describing all the changes to the Constitution over the last 100 years. There is also info on president Taft and much more.

The ABQ Public Library has a huge web site devoted to the Centennial and NM History. There are links to all sorts of material. www.cabq.gov/library.


Visit the web sites of  the Albuquerque Historical Society, www.albuqhistsoc.org, to see the free Centennial Teachers Resource Guide. The Guide has four sections on New Mexico History and 4th & 7th grade lesson plans. The sections are:

  • New Mexico’s Long Road to Statehood
  • New Mexico’s County Courthouses
  • The Boundaries of New Mexico
  • New Mexico’s Governors since 1912

Compiled by Janet Saiers.- jsaiers@msn.com