Since publication of the original Albuquerque version in 1978, the book has been used as written or with appropriate local modifications, in several parts of the country in a variety of ways. The website has been accessed globally, having had over 175,000 hits! The Dade County Environmental Story, printed in 1986, was the first complete replication of the book. Following that, a Process Manual was developed to provide interested communities, school districts or teachers with a detailed "recipe" which they could use in the preparation of an Environmental Story custom made for their own situation. Monroe Country, Florida, (the Florida Keys) field-tested this manual and the Monroe County Environmental Story was published in 1991.
A fundamental requisite for development of a book similar to the Albuquerque, Dade County or Monroe Country Environmental Stories is the assumption of leadership and coordination by one or several individuals sufficiently committed to the project to be willing to devote approximately two years to its completion. The chances are probably, though not necessarily, that little or no financial reward would be available for this work unless undertaken by a salaried person assigned to the project.
Once the leaders/coordinators are identified, the tasks of planning, writing and publishing fall into place. The prospect of an environmental education book specifically designed for ones own community tends to generate enthusiasm and an eagerness to be an active participant in bringing the book to fruition. People willing to serve in a planning and advisory capacity are readily found, as are those who accept a request to write selected sections without remuneration.
Funding, or sources of in-kind assistance are necessary for word processing, editing, layout, printing, etc. See a detailed discussion further on in this Process manual for further information about funding, time schedules, production process and possible hurdles to overcome.
(Up to Introduction, Back to Background, On to The Replication Process)