Eye Opener Worksheet LogoAlbuquerque's Environmental Story

Educating For a Sustainable Community

Eye Opener Worksheet 12

How Can You Get Something Done?

You often have ideas about how your school grounds could be improved, but you may not know how to assure that these ideas are used.

Several general ways of getting something done are listed below.

A. Do it yourself.

B. Get your classmates to help you make the improvement.

C. Talk with your teacher.

D. Talk with the principal.

E. Talk with the Parents' Association at school.

F. Ask the Student Council to help.

G. Take the problem to the School Board.

H. Get in touch with a local environmental group.

I. Contact a municipal or county agency.

J. Write to an elected official.

K. Write an article for the school newspaper.

L. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper, or to a TV commentator.

Next to each of the sample improvements you might want, write the letter(s) standing for the method(s) you think would be best for handling the particular problem.


Best Method(s) to be Used

The school ground are drab and bare. You think they should be landscaped.


You would like to see your classroom kept clean and litter free.


The school playground has no facilities for team sports. You think there should be basketball courts or a soccer field.


There is a dangerous intersection near the school. You want a traffic light.


You think the school would be more attractive if a large mural were painted on the wall at the front entrance.


You want to beautify the room, but the Fire Department regulations prevent using wall hangings and furniture your classmates bring in


You think the school should try to make money for some special project by taking part in a recycling project.


On a recycled piece of paper, draw a flowchart showing the steps involved in handling one of the problems.

(Up to Section IV, Back to Eye Opener Activities 11, On to Eye Opener Activities 12)

Copyright © 2008, Friends of Albuquerque's Environmental Story