This is a very important Eye Opener, about a very important environment - YOURS - the environment inside your head and your body. This Eye Opener is about you, and it's for you. Don't share it with anyone unless you really want to. After you have finished writing, you may know yourself a little better.
List at least five things you do or like which make you feel happy and relaxed.
Do you get a chance to do these things very often? __________ Why or why not? __________________
List five things that require exertion that also bring about satisfaction, like sports, arts, social activities, etc.
List five places in which you like to be.
List five words you would use to describe yourself.
What do you like most about yourself? ______________________________________________________
Circle the face sketched below that best describes how you feel most of the time.
Some people are hard on themselves. They expect themselves to be perfect, and that's hard to be! These people have trouble liking themselves. What about you? Check ( ) the statement which shows how much you like yourself.
( ) always like myself a lot ( ) usually like myself a lot
( ) sometimes like myself a lot ( ) get angry with myself a lot
What are some of the things about your friends that make you like them? __________________________
If you could have three wishes, what would you ask for? ________________________________________
________________________________________ __________________________________________
Do you think people act differently depending on how they feel? __________________________________
How about you? ________________________________________________________________________
For each of the following questions, answer yes, or no, or sometimes. Do you act differently when you are unhappy and when you are:
happy? ________ Embarrassed? ________ Proud of yourself? ________ Relaxed? ________ Uptight? ________ When you are angry? ________
If yes, how do you act? Describe your behavior.
Do you think your answers on this page would be different if you were in a different mood?
(Up to Section IV, Back to Eye Opener Activities 9, On to Eye Opener Activities 10)