Albuquerque Bernalillo County has many small sections and communities. Some of them have very special character and identity. It is sometimes difficult to pinpoint what makes them unique, but most people are aware of the feeling of these places. This indefinable something is often called a Sense of Place.
Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the word community
Check the name of the community in which you live. If it is not listed below, add the name in the blank space at the bottom of the list.
_________ South Valley _________ North Valley _________ Martineztown
_________ Barelas _________ Downtown _________ West Gate
_________ Huning Highland _________ Country Club _________ Los Ranchitos
_________ Paradise Hills _________ Taylor Ranch _________ West Mesa
_________ La Mesa _________ Uptown _________ Sandia Heights
_________ Kirtland _________ Tijeras _________ University Heights
Other ___________________________
Find out how your community name was derived.
How long has your family lived in your community?
Is your community considered _________urban _________suburban _________ rural?
What kind of government does your community have ? Has there been any attempt to establish a separate local government?
What are some ways in which your community is like other parts of Bernalillo County?
In what ways is your community special, or different, from other parts of Bernalillo County (natural environment, architectural styles, landscaping, cultural traditions).
Can you walk or bike to any of the places listed below?
_________ park _________ supermarket _________ shopping center
_________ place to buy ice cream _________ bosque river _________ movies
_________ City Hall _________ church or synagogue _________ library
_________ restaurants _________ post office _________ ball field
What kinds of houses do most people in your community live in? (Check one or several.)
_________ high rise apartments _________ private homes _________ garden apartments
_________ farms _________ townhouses
Where do people walk in your community?
Where do people sit outside in your community?
What are the historical sites in your community? _______________________________________________________________________________
Do you think your community is an interesting place in which to live? ____________________________
How do the people in your community do things together to improve the place or to have fun? (Block parties, festivals, civic improvement associations, etc.)
In what ways would you like to see your community changed?
Do you think your community has a Sense of Place?
Write a poem,
essay, or letter to a friend describing how it makes you feel.
(Up to Section II, Back to Activities for the Senses and Sensibilities 2, On to Eye Opener Activities 3)