Name of Site___________________________________________________ Date_________________
Location (City)_________________________________________________ County_______________
Size of the Area_________________________________________________ Altitude____________(m)
Circle the choices which best describe the site.
winter, early spring, late spring, early, summer, midsummer, late summer, early fall, late fall
sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy
Temperature ___________(C) ___________(F)
What is the weather like in the city of Albuquerque at the time?
If it were different from the weather at the site, what would account for it?
Are there any signs of recent rain or snow in the area?
What is the average annual precipitation for that area?
How much of this precipitation is snow and how much is rain?
young, mature, recently lumbered, recently burned, considerable windfall damage, evergreen, summer green (deciduous), mixed
low shrubs, tall shrubs and a few trees
short grass prairie, open meadow, cultivated cropland, pioneer weed community with annual plants predominating, lowland meadow, upland meadow with perennial grasses and herbs predominating, permanent pasture, unkept pasture with scattered trees and shrubs, old field reverting to thicket or marsh
Aquatic environments
marsh, pond, river stream, lake
mountain, mesa, plain, canyon, valley, arroyo, bosque, hill
Facing Direction
N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW
nearly level (0-3? degrees), gentle (3-8?), moderate (8-15?), steep (15-25?), very steep (25-35?)
sand, clay, loam, rocky
high, moderate, fairly low , low
excessive, excellent, good, imperfect, very poor, permanently wet
little or none, moderate sheet erosion,, occasional gullies, severe erosion, deeply gullied, subsoil exposed
_______________at ________ o'clock. Device used for measuring ___________
List the animals, seeds and plants identified Describe plants you can not identify. Record any animal signs or homes observed, like droppings, tracks, nests, feathers, webs, etc. How do observed abiotic, non living, conditions influence kinds of plants and animals found?
Animal Signs and Animal Homes
Discuss how the actions of people have affected the biotic or abiotic features of this habitat.
(Up to Section I, Back to Introduction - Albuquerque - Then and Now, On to Eye Opener Activities 1)