Additional Activities IconAlbuquerque's Environmental Story

Educating For a Sustainable Community

Additional Activities 8

Alternative Energy Sources

Conduct research to find out which of the alternative sources of energy are especially related to Albuquerque, or nearby parts of New Mexico.

What is the current status of geothermal research? What geological conditions are needed for collecting geothermal energy? How close to Albuquerque might a geothermal station be constructed?

What is being done in and around Albuquerque about solar energy research?

Would wind energy be practical in Albuquerque? How much wind is there in the area? Is it predictable? When is there wind? What causes wind? What parts of the city have the most wind? Why? Use the Beaufort wind scale to determine wind velocities for a given period. Record your findings. Compare with weather reports.

What is biomass? How is the term applied in connection with alternative sources of energy?


Untapped Oil Deposits

Discuss the statement, `"There are untapped oil deposits in the Albuquerque area."

What is a fossil fuel? Which fuels are considered fossil fuels?

Are any other fossil fuels found in the Albuquerque vicinity? If so, which? Locate them. Are there plans to mine them? If so, what economic, social, and environmental impact would this have on the area?


All Energy Solar?

Discuss the contention that all sources of energy are basically solar energy.

Trace each of the major energy resources back to its origin.

Include diagrams showing energy transfer where applicable.

(Up to Section IV, Back to Eye Opener Activities 8, On to Activities for the Senses and Sensibilities 8)

Copyright © 2008, Friends of Albuquerque's Environmental Story