Additional Activities IconAlbuquerque's Environmental Story

Educating For a Sustainable Community

Additional Activities 5

School Litter Map

Map your school grounds to show where litter is found. Use different symbols for each type of litter.

What kinds of litter predominate? Where is most of the litter found?

Where are the litter receptacles? How often are they emptied?

Is most of the littering done by students, by other people who use the school grounds, or by the wind?

What attempts have been made to conduct an anti litter campaign? Could your class start such a movement? Does your school participate in Albuquerque's citywide cleanup efforts?

What forms of positive and/or negative reinforcement can your class suggest to help schoolmates change their littering habits?


School Site Research

Conduct research to find out why the school was located on its site.

Was the site selected because it was readily available? Because it was considered suitable? What makes a site suitable for a school? Was there a heavy population concentration in the area when the site was selected? Was a heavy population concentration projected?

Write a brief paper on how your school has affected the natural environment, and how it still does.


High School Student Transportation

Discuss the problem of transportation for high school students.

How many students drive to school? Why do they drive? Do they carpool?

Should the age for getting a driver's license be raised? Why or why not?

How much space around the school is utilized as parking lots? What is the monetary value of this land? Is there any other purpose this land could be used for by the school community?

What alternative methods of transportation do the students have?


Student Transportation Graph

Construct a pie graph to show what percentage of students use each method of transportation. Include: school bus, public bus, carpool, self-driven auto, parent driven auto, bicycle, and walking. Use a computer spreadsheet to help you.

Does the percentage distribution of modes of transportation used vary much by senior high school grade level? How much? Why?

What effects does extensive use of the automobile have on Albuquerque's environment?

(Up to Section IV, Back to Eye Opener Activities 5, On to Activities for the Senses and Sensibilities 5)

Copyright © 2008, Friends of Albuquerque's Environmental Story