Conduct a panel discussion about the topic of predator control.
What animals are considered undesirable by some farmers and are sometimes controlled by a bounty?
What role do coyotes, mountain lions and snakes play in maintaining stable and balanced communities?
How is the mule deer population in the Sandias determined? What natural controls of the mule deer exist in the Sandias? How do people control the mule deer population? What is the carrying capacity of the Sandias for mule deer? What would be the result of permitting the mule deer population to get out of control?
Construct a timeline of Albuquerque's geological history. Use the computer program Timeliner for this project.
What did the Albuquerque area look like before the mountains were formed? How were the mountains formed?
Is the trough shaped area between the mountains and the west mesa more correctly termed a rift or a valley? Why? What is the inner valley? How was it formed?
Create a bulletin board about Albuquerque's natural environment.
Collect newspaper or magazine articles about the natural environment around Albuquerque. Classify these articles according to whether they contain good or bad news.
Collect pictures which show changes taking place in different parts of the city's undeveloped areas. Do they show good news or bad news? Would different people answer this question in different ways?
For each of the local area habitats below, name the mini environment(s) it surrounds: mountain uplands, mountain lowlands, alluvial fans, volcanic, sand plains, valley sides and terraces, river, or valley flood plains. Then, match the plants and animals from the list with the local areas in which they are most likely to be found.
Area |
Mini Environment(s) |
Plants |
Animals |
Sandia Mt Natural History Center |
Rio Grande Nature Center |
Juan Tabo Picnic Area |
Petrogylph State Park |
Doc Long's Picnic Area |
Elena Gallegos Picnic Area |
Plants |
Animals |
ponderosa pine |
cattails |
bighorn sheep |
coyote |
mountain mahogany |
Russian olive |
gopher |
duck |
piñon pine |
cottonwood |
ground squirrel |
Stellar's jay |
Russian thistle |
white fir |
mountain lion |
antelope |
winter fat |
yucca |
hawk |
scorpion |
scrub oak |
salt cedar |
Norway rat |
amphibians |
cholla |
snakeweed |
prairie dog |
quail |
prickly pear |
black grama grass |
roadrunner |
mule deer |
juniper |
sagebrush |
rattlesnake |
lizard |
salt grass |
alkali sacaton |
turkey |
bobcat |
Douglas Fir |
kangaroo rat |
muskrat |
shorebirds |
mice |
Construct food chains for each area to show how energy is transferred.
Which organisms in the food chain are producers? Which are primary consumers?
Secondary consumers? Top level consumers? Scavengers?
What factors in a habitat influence which plants and animals can live there?
What characteristics of each of the plants and animals in the above lists equip them for the habitat to which they were assigned?
What environmental changes might occur which could kill the plants or animals or drive the animals away? What could be done to prevent these changes?
What animals and plants in the Sandias are considered endangered? What, if anything is being done about these endangered species?
Contact the Forest Service for information on the various responsibilities they have for the management of the Sandia Mountains. What are the major issues the Forest Service must decide?
What is clearcutting? What arguments can be presented for and against it?
Forest rangers do not share the public's blanket concern about fires. Explain.
What percentages of forest fires are natural? What percentages are caused by man?
What role does fire play in plant succession?
What other beneficial functions do fires perform? Under what circumstances does the Forest Service permit a fire to burn?
Make a poster of Albuquerque during the different geologic times in its formation.
Could Albuquerque be covered by water from the ocean again?
What impact would this have on the ecology of the area?
What kinds of changes might occur if the water again receded, forming land masses?
A 1984 study at the University of California at Los Angeles indicates the Rio Grande is widening. Why might this be occurring, and what could the effects be?
Is there any evidence supporting the idea that there might again be volcanic eruptions in the Albuquerque area?
What other major geological changes might occur in the distant future and how would they affect Albuquerque's area?
What other major geological changes might occur in the distant future and how would they affect Albuquerque's landforms?
Using a map of the Rio Grande basin from the Jemez mountains to Socorro, indicate the location of possible sites of future geothermal plants.
What geological conditions are necessary to obtain geothermal energy? What are tectonic plates? What is the Rio Grande Rift? What evidence can you present to defend or dispute the prevalent theory about the Rift's origin?
What process is used to obtain geothermal energy? What, if any, possible dangers are associated with the production of geothermal energy?
What are the advantages of geothermal energy as an alternative to other energy sources?
What attempts were made at developing geothermal energy in the Albuquerque region? What was the outcome of these efforts? What were the pros and cons which led to this outcome? Take a position on the decision and defend it.
Make soil in as many different ways as you can. Grind rocks together. Allow leaves and twigs to decompose. Use vinegar to dissolve limestone. Scrape bits of soil off rocks covered with lichens.
Which soil takes the most energy to form? How does nature provide the necessary energy?
Which soil takes the longest to form?
Which soil is the most fertile? Experiment to find out.
Which soil holds water best?
What is the pH of each kind of soil?
Use the base map technique to determine which areas in and around Albuquerque are most and least suited to urbanization. Prepare a transparency of the political boundaries and major landforms over the base map. Use other overlays to show sources of water, soil conditions, slope, flood plains and areas subject to flooding.
To what extent is land which is well suited for agriculture now being used for other purposes?
What areas are best suited for home or commercial construction? Which are least suited? Explain.
How much of the city is built on land which is susceptible to flooding? What steps have been taken to prevent further development in flood prone areas?
Conduct a cost/benefit analysis of the environmental and economic impact of the Cement Company in Tijeras upon its immediate neighborhood and upon the Albuquerque area. After studying the data, set up a panel of students with differing viewpoints to discuss the pros and cons of this industry in relationship to the community's well being.
What is quarried in Tijeras? Where are the gypsum and coal used in the manufacturing process obtained? How are they transported to Tijeras?
What environmental impacts does the plant have? What effect, if any, does the dust have on the health of the workers? Of the residents of Tijeras? What other potential pollutants may be emitted?
What action is taken by the plant to reduce the dust? The gaseous pollutants emitted?
What problems are associated with revegetation of the disturbed land?
How does the community benefit from the company's economic gains? What portions of the these gains are returned directly or indirectly to Albuquerque? How many local people are employed by the plant?
In what ways could the plant further reduce its effect on the immediate environment? What would be the economic consequences of these anti-pollution measures?
Demonstrate thermal inversion by using four bottles as shown in the diagram below.
Chill two bottles by placing them in the refrigerator or shady spot outdoors on a cold day. Warm two bottles by placing them in hot sun or in a warm place. Then, drop a piece of burning paper into a cooled and a heated bottle, as shown.
What is thermal inversion? How does the bottle experiment demonstrate the causes of thermal inversion?
At what times of the year do the thermal inversions occur? Why?
In what parts of the city? Why?
Are thermal inversions, in themselves, hazardous? Explain.
What role do cars play in causing air pollution in Albuquerque? What alternatives are there to the use of the car in Albuquerque?
What action should the city take to cut back on the use of the private car? Why is it difficult to carry out this kind of action? How can the average citizen help?
What are the consequences in Albuquerque if population increases and automobile use patterns do not change?
What role do wood burning stoves or fireplaces play in causing air pollution in Albuquerque?
Use a globe to locate and compare cities on the same longitude as Albuquerque.
Compare winter and summer temperatures.
Compare clothing, recreational activities, altitudes and agriculture.
Compare natural plants and animal communities.
Compare drinking water sources.
What is the major difference in plant communities?
Compare average daily temperatures during each season.
Why does Albuquerque have four seasons?
Collect newspaper weather maps for a period of a week to ten days.
Predict weather daily. Compare with the newspaper prediction and the actual weather.
Note the directions in which fronts move.
Discuss how yesterday's weather in one location can become our weather today.
Examine the maps for clues as to what fronts,
high/low pressure cells, winds, etc. have affected Albuquerque's weather.
What global weather patterns influence our winter weather?
Study the life cycle of the mosquito and the flea.
What conditions encourage the growth of these insects?
What effect do these insects have on your life?
What can you do to control their population?
What kinds of mosquitoes and fleas are there? Which are the most troublesome?
Contact the City's Environmental Health Department to get more information.
Compile a list of native plants.
For what animals do these plants provide food and shelter?
How long have these plants been in this area How did they get here?
Which of these plants have edible parts?
Which of these plants were or are now used medicinally?
Which of these plants are used as dyes in the making of yarn for rugs?
Create an Albuquerque atlas. Some maps to be included are:
Average Temperature
Average Annual Rainfall
Natural Vegetation
Rivers, Lakes, and Major Springs
Land Elevations
Play a glossary game using ecological terms found in the Glossary of this book. Write each of the 40 or 50 words (habitat, consumer, decomposer, niche, etc.) on a small card. Each student in a small group circle gets a card and takes turns defining her word. If you fail to define a word, pass all cards to the left. Add new cards to replace those removed.
Play Stump the Experts. Set up a panel of experts. Mention ways man modifies his environment to meet needs. Challenge the panel of experts to mention an animal adaptation for that same condition. Example: keeping warm in winter - polar bear's fur.
Get to know a mini habitat by setting up classroom environments for a variety of small animals, like fish, earthworms, mealworms, chameleon, mice, gerbils ants, hamsters.
What factors must be considered in planning a suitable habitat for an animal?
What conditions (amount of proper water, food, space, shelter, light, air) are most critical for different animals?
The classroom itself is a mini habitat for the human beings in it. Do you consider the room a suitable habitat? If it is lacking in any way, how could this be improved? Do humans have requirements for their habitats which go beyond those of other animals?
Construct a three dimensional table model of Albuquerque showing its various landforms, like mesa, alluvial fans, mountains, valley, arroyos, canyons. Bring in samples of rocks found around the city. Place them on appropriate parts of the model.
In general, what kind of rocks are found in the northeast heights? The west mesa? on the escarpment near the volcanoes? In the inner valley? In each case, where did the rocks originate? How did they get to their present location?
What kinds of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are found around Albuquerque? Where is limestone most apt to be found? Granite? Lava and cinders?
In what kinds of rocks are fossils found? How are fossils formed? What is alluvial fill?
What is meant by the Great Unconformity?
Conduct a study of wind. Keep a record of your wind observations for several days at a time, at different seasons of the year. Use the Beaufort Scale and, if possible, set up an anemometer and wind vane on the school grounds.
Beaufort Scale
Signs |
Name of Wind |
Miles Per Hour |
Flags hang down; smoke goes straight up; leaves do not move. |
Calm |
0 |
Wind moves leaves on trees; is felt on face; blows out lightweight flags. |
Light Breeze |
1-5 |
Wind moves branches of trees; blows dust and loose papers about. |
Gentle Breeze |
5-15 |
Wind sways branches; raises whitecaps on water. |
Fresh Breeze |
15-25 |
Wind makes it hard to use umbrellas; whistles in trees and wires; sways whole trees. |
Strong Wind |
25-35 |
Wind breaks branches; uproots trees; damages houses; is hard to walk against. |
Gale |
35-75 |
Wind damages houses, blows down utility poles and trees; causes great damage. |
Hurricane |
75-100 |
How do your findings compare with those of the local Weather Bureau and the weather reports on the media?
What causes wind?
Does the amount of wind vary at different times of the day? Explain.
Which months or seasons have the strongest winds? Explain.
What is the wind chill factor? How is it determined?
What are some of the advantages of wind? The disadvantages?
How extensive is the use of wind as a source of energy in New Mexico? In the Albuquerque area?
Compile a list of adjectives to describe wind. Compile another list of references to wind in song, poems, stories, movies. What emotions are often associated with winds? With breezes? With severe storms such as hurricanes or tornadoes?
Be imaginative.
Write a story, poem, song, or draw a picture about people and winds, like
gentle breezes, gentle winds, or heavy wind storms.
Compile a Careers in the Natural Environment book. Invite representatives of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. U. S. Fish and Wildlife, the Bureau of Land Management, State Department of Game and Fish, and other federal, state and local agencies to speak to your class. Consult your school librarian, guidance counselor and the Resource Organizations in this book.
What aptitudes and training are required for each career listed?
What are the rewards, both measurable and immeasurable, of careers in the natural environment?
What are the opportunities for advancement?
What are some of the interesting and appealing aspects of each of the jobs? The negative aspects?
What other information might be useful for people planning careers in these fields?
What might be the most helpful way of organizing such a book? Alphabetically? By broad science topics such as biologist? In some other way?
Produce a slide show or video depicting people's effect on their natural environment. Learn to use a computer slide show program and create your slide show on the computer also.
Describe outstanding ways in which people are using natural environment in a manner that is good both for humans and the ecology of the area.
What are some of the ways in which people have abused the natural environment, such as off road vehicles, litter, others?
What steps has the city taken to manage our Open Space properly?
Where can you find examples of effects on the environment that result from sincere differences of opinion as to how our land and river are best used?
How do economic or political priorities sometimes adversely affect our environment?
What recourse is available to citizens who differ with official opinions about ways to use the natural environment?
(Up to Section I, Back to Eye Opener Activities 1, On to Activities for the Senses and Sensibilities 1)