Albuquerque's Environmental Story

Educating For a Sustainable Community

To the Readers - Teachers, Parents, Youth Leaders, Albuquerque Residents, and Visitors

Welcome to Albuquerque's Environmental Story: Toward a Sustainable Community. This collaborative effort is a testament to the love its many authors feel for Albuquerque and to their shared determination to make our growing city a wonderful place to live. The book is designed as a guide to the city's natural and human systems - past, present, and future. It is intended to serve as companion to the curricula used by teachers in all grades from kindergarten through high school. It is also a useful reference for youth leaders, parents, new members of the Albuquerque community, historians, and environmentalists of all ages.

This book:

If Albuquerque's Environmental Story: Toward a Sustainable Community succeeds in its mission, students will develop the insight, the problem-solving skills and the knowledge necessary for environmental decision making. They will also question their values, perhaps modify their attitudes, and translate this heightened appreciation of their environment into responsible citizen action. The authors and editors especially hope that students using the activities in this book will learn to include people - themselves and others - in their concept of "the environment," and that they will grow in their ability to live in closer harmony with their human and natural surroundings. Of equal importance is the hope that the most refreshing and natural characteristic of children, their sense of wonder, will be nurtured and remain a stimulus to learning throughout their lives.

(Up to Introductory Material, Back to Acknowledgments, On to User's Guide)

Copyright © 2008, Friends of Albuquerque's Environmental Story