“I certify to the king, our lord, and to the most excellent señor viceroy: That I founded a villa on the banks and in the valley of the Rio del Norte in a good place as regards land, water, pasture, and firewood. I gave it as patron saint the glorious apostle of the Indies, San Francisco Xavier, and called and named it the Villa de Alburquerque.” —Don Francisco Cuervo y Valdes, April 23, 1706
This and future generations may know and appreciate the history of Albuquerque from its settlement as the Villa de Alburquerque in the year 1706 to its incorporation as the City of Albuquerque and its cultural and historic past resulting from a blending of Indian, Hispanic-Mexican and all other cultures.
- Foster study of its early annals and the restoration and preservation of historic sites,
- Support the Albuquerque Museum in its effort to collect and preserve archives, records, documents, and articles of every nature, mementoes and relics of the everyday life of its original settlers and those who followed,
- Disseminate materials that will help New Mexicans know and appreciate the history of Albuquerque.
- Provide information, programming, and resources to educational and cultural institutions and to the public. The following sections outline our activities and functions:

8th Duke of Alburquerque
- Provide and promote history programs:
- Free AHS Programs at Albuquerque Museum
- Tours of historical facilities and sites
- Collaboration with local history groups
- Monthly email listings of local historical programs and activities for broad distribution to people interested in historical happenings
- Maintain Website, Facebook page and YouTube channel to promote AHS Programs and other Albuquerque historical information
- Monthly email bulletin to AHS members to highlight happenings
- Eye-catching questions and answers for Albuquerque Rapid Transit (ART) monitor displays
- Support secondary school outreach program:
- Maintain a repository of resources For Educators
- Teacher resource guide for Albuquerque Tricentennial for 4th and 7th graders
- Teachers resource guide for New Mexico Centennial (Jan 2012 NM Magazine Insert)
- Sponsor Albuquerque Museum Magic Bus field trips to engage students in critical viewing, thinking and discussion of art and artifacts.
- Developed “Source Documents on New Mexico history since statehood,” in consultation with representatives of Albuquerque Public Schools and the Office of State Historian
- Website (www.albuqhistsoc.org) with section on Source Documents in support of teaching of New Mexico history
- Host AHS Website with links to:
- Other historical organizations
- City of Albuquerque and New Mexico State Government Organizations involved in History
- History-related museums
- Maintain the AHS Facebook Page and AHS YouTube Channel highlighting recent society activities
- Maintain partnerships with:
- Albuquerque Museum (facility use and program support)
- Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Library (resource interchange)
- New Mexico Humanities Council (National History Day)
- Genealogical Societies (resource support)
- Historical Society of New Mexico (school interactions)
- Historic Albuquerque, Inc. (program support)
- The Albuquerque Conservation Association – TACA (program interactions)
- Speakers Bureau
- Several members of our Society are available to make presentations on local history topics to schools and organizations. See list of presentations.
- Albuquerque History Accolades Program
- Recognize individuals, businesses, groups, and public or private institutions whose efforts bring awareness to and contribute to Albuquerque’s rich history.
Download the Albuquerque Historical Society Bylaws (pdf)
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